Lost my Spotting Scope and tripod
10/29/16 8:59pm
I know this is going to be a long shot but on 10/29 I was up the Nebo Loop just above Red Creek Flat and I forgot my new Vortex Spotting Scope and tripod next to my car while I was buckling my girl into her car seat. Drove off and forgot it there. Realized just a few mintues later I had forgotten it and sped back up to the spot and it was gone. So if any one knows who picked it up please call or text me. (435)851-6313. Reward will be given for return. Hoping honesty comes thru on this one. I'm sick to my stomach. Just got it last month. :(

10/30/16 10:18am
Sorry man that's a BUMMER

11/8/16 9:29am
That sucks. Hopefully it turns up. Might keep an eye on KSL just in case.

11/11/16 7:23pm
Oh man that sucks, I'm sorry!