lost wyoming buck

Hello guys my father lives near cody, Wyoming (maybe powell area not sure yet which ranch he was on that day) where he was hunting a ranch for whitetail. He was out either thursday or friday when he shot a really nice buck. After he shot the buck it ran and jumped a fence and died 150 yards on the otherside, my dad tried to find out who owns the land so that he may get permission to retrieve his trophy. The owner of the ranch he was hunting said he didnt know who owned the land so he told my dad that he sould just go get it rather then let it spoil. My dad was a cop for along time so he didnt like the fact that he was going to tresspass and break the law but he did anyways and when he got to where the deer went down, he found that it died 10yds. from a very well maintained gravel road wich leads him to think that somebody found his trophy and loaded it up, So If you know of such a deer that somebody found please let me know. My dad said it was a big whitetail with 10-12in. tines, (maybe ground shrinkage, lol) he didnt get a point count but he said it was all horn so he dropped it. Please help
Have your dad contact Chris Queens he is the local warden for the Clark and Powell area.
well it turns out nobody took the buck he found it the next day, it had gone about 30 yards from where he saw it drop. He had looked around the day before but he didnt notice it, the buck was fully submerged in a creek. well he has his trophy now and it is a nice thick long horned 10 point, well it would have been a ten we think but half of one side of his rack was broke off and 3 other points were broken this buck was a brawler! congrats dad! I'll post a pic when I get permission
Sounds like a very nice buck. Glad he found it. Hope you get a pic posted.
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Glad he found him. I lost a nice one once. Still dream about him.
Glad he found it, did he get any pics before recovering it from the creek. Those would be cool.
No pics of the buck in the creek but here is his brawling, broken racked buck .
Thats a good sized whitetail. Glad your dad found him. Looks like it was a good hunting year at primals house. Congrats to your dad on his bull and his whitetail.
I'm sure glad to hear that he recovered the buck! Looks like a dandy too.
Thanks for sharing the photo, glad you got him.
Springville Shooter
Looks like an old UFC whitey. Bet he's put a few eyes out in his day. Bet he has a bunch of progenitors as well. Congrats to you an your dad on a great year.----shooter
Thanks guys! :thumb
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congrats to dad .glad he found that buck :thumb