Lots of dogs howling
9/7/05 8:57pm
I was down around Fillmore chasing doves this last weekend. When we were done for the day and cleaning up at dusk it sounded like there were a ton of coyotes howling. I know it was just a few but I haven't heard that many for awhile. Has anybody else been noticing that it seems like there are more dogs around? I know that the young pups are getting kicked out of the den this time of year maybe that is why I was hearing so many.

10/4/05 4:27pm
I am sure they are just starting to comunicate a bit more, all summer they seem pretty quiet and then once a cold snap happens, with hunts going on and the kids being kicked around a bit more, they seem to ramp up a bit and comunicate more. I sure hope you are right about more, can not wait for the snow to fly and the coyote fur to fly :3