Lucky Twist

After a great hunt in WY for mule deer with lots of game seen, our MN & WI hunts were definitely tougher than usual with far less than normal game running around....However, all seasons ended with some bucks on the poles and meat in the freezers...But most of all the memories of family sharing time together....
The high note of all three hunts was sitting with my 11 year old grandson during a snow storm and watching him bag a beautiful doe with a perfect double lung shot at about 70 yards....
My three sons took 2 six-pointers and an 8 pt in MN while I got lucky with another 8 pt on my 10th day in the field....
WI produced the big doe for my Grandson, a nice 6 and 8 pt for my two son's that hunted in WI and I got real lucky and took another fine 8 pt with a 19" inside spread....
Our muzzle loader season is coming to an end this weekend so I hope to get out one more time and do a little scouting for next year....
Enclosed are a few pictures of this years hunts.....
Good Huntin Everybody,
You gotta get lucky once in a while...I was due to get a good one again...260 at 65 yards.. My second buck over 200 lbs for 2011 this one made 94 lbs of boned & cleaned meat....
Thanksgiving Day double in WI...Jim and John got these while I was back in MN eating turkey!...Good day..
My 10th Day MN buck....Closest ever rifle kill (20 yards)...
John shot this one 200+ yards out in a beaver pond...He gutted it in knee deep water....2 hours after dark when we made it back to the truck..."What a hunt!"
My grandson Chase was proud (so was Grandpa)....The smiles tell it all....
Wyoming spoiled us for our upcoming hunts back home...This buck was well over 200 lbs dressed....Savage 110 with E.R. Shaw barrel in 260 Rem....310 yards right in the white spot while he laid in his bed...
Jim's WY 3x3...He made a good 166 yard shot after a three quarter mile stalk...
Wow, you and clan have had a heck of a year. 10sign:

Any pics of the buck out in the beaver pond?
Great job to all of you. 10th day.....way to stick with it. =D>
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Nice work! Heck of a year for you!