10/19/09 11:20pm
I've only been bow hunting for 40yrs so pardon my ignorance. I 've thought about this for a couple of days but I just can't figure out what possible advantige this product would give one over the game animal to make it illegal to use. I don't use them and don't care who does long as it's legal. From what I've seen they can't light up your pins, so whats the logic. Do they hipnotize the poor critters in flight or something?
As for individual states making them illegal, I know a few have discussed that very issue......they do not want to allow any type of electronic device attached to the bow or arrow. Guess it's the same reason why some states allow scopes or optics on muzzle loaders and some do's how that respective states views what should be appropriate.
As for comparing bows of today with those of 50 years's all relevant even today. Even back then there were specialized bows that were much faster than others, etc....... remember the first flight bow that broke the world record distance? Check out when that was.