
I've only been bow hunting for 40yrs so pardon my ignorance. I 've thought about this for a couple of days but I just can't figure out what possible advantige this product would give one over the game animal to make it illegal to use. I don't use them and don't care who does long as it's legal. From what I've seen they can't light up your pins, so whats the logic. Do they hipnotize the poor critters in flight or something?
I think they should be legal to use a pretty neat idea and does not really give any advantage IMO other than helping you see the path of the arrow. Some things that they make illegal just dont make any sense. (???)
6x6 bull
I guess that the states that have outlawed them think that people will take shots after legal shooting hours just because they can see the arrow in flight. What they don't realize is that the people that would do that are still going to. They will have to spend more time looking for blood in the dark. Another case in my opinion of making something illegal because of a few bad apples.
Personally, I think it has more to do with electronics attached to the bow and/or arrow itself. Much like P&Y's reason for not allowing them. They understand what they're for, they simply had to draw a line somewhere.......and lighted knocks falls on the wrong side.
So a 500 fps bow wil be acceptable but a little lighted knock that helps you recover game/arrows is out of line?If P&Y is trying to maintain the spirit of bow hunting as it was when the club was formed they have already failed,todays bows can not even be compared to the bows of old,the lumionock should be the least of their concerns. :-k
Maybe the luminock issue is their "line in the sand". They figure if they let this bit of technology in then they will have to look at accepting the next thing that comes along, possibly the lumibroadhead or the lumishaft.
They already accepted a mechainacally advanced bow that makes bowhnting WAY easier than it was when the club was formed,its a mute point.
If P&Y is trying to maintain the spirit of bow hunting as it was when the club was formed they have already failed,todays bows can not even be compared to the bows of old,the lumionock should be the least of their concerns.
Again.....I don't think it has anything to do with the value of the lighted knock and what it simply falls into the area of electronics attached to an arrow. The line has to be drawn somewhere and if allowed it could possibly open the door for more electronic devices that would not be appropriate. If they ever create a lighted knock that works without the use of electronics, I'm sure it would be allowed.

As for individual states making them illegal, I know a few have discussed that very issue......they do not want to allow any type of electronic device attached to the bow or arrow. Guess it's the same reason why some states allow scopes or optics on muzzle loaders and some do's how that respective states views what should be appropriate.

As for comparing bows of today with those of 50 years's all relevant even today. Even back then there were specialized bows that were much faster than others, etc....... remember the first flight bow that broke the world record distance? Check out when that was.
They dont say a thing about sights made from luminescent chemicals that can glow in the dark :-k
No....just like they didn't object to folks who use to paint the tips of their pins with fluorescent paint 20 years ago.......again, as long as it's not battery operated and/or electronic and attached to the bow or's acceptable. I imagine that's the same for many of the states that don't allow them.
Any idea how many states say Luminocks are illegal?
So whhy dont they come out with a clear knock with one of those tiny internal chemical sticks in front of it?
"NONYA" wrote:So whhy dont they come out with a clear knock with one of those tiny internal chemical sticks in front of it?
hey, keep that on the lowdown, i'm trying to become a millionare off of it:)
So whhy dont they come out with a clear knock with one of those tiny internal chemical sticks in front of it?
Not sure, probably wouldn't last as long and/or bright enough for the consumer, therefore demand would drop. But you may actually be on to something Cole......make a prototype, patent it, produce it, then market it, and you'll be on your way financial bliss! I can see it now, The "NONYA NOCK" sold at a bow shop near you or right here at the Muley Madness Store! lol
6x6 bull
Bohntr, I didn't realize that P&Y wouldn't accept entries that were taken with lumenocks. Thanks for enlightening me. I do remember that 65% letoff was there line in the sand on bows a few years ago also, but when the bow companys realized more people would get into archery if the letoff was increased to 75-80% P&Y gave in to that over time. If more archers started using them and the number of entries dropped off I'm sure that line in the sand could be moved also.