Major deer and elk hunting changes (in utah)
6/17/10 9:47pm
please click the link and read! Whether your opinion is differs from what i think i believe all hunters need to be heard on this one.......
first off the idiots dont thin k the state can handle a 10 day deer hunt so they cut it to 5 ,3 in some areas. now they wanna nearly triple the days in the field with a rifle while also putting more people and less pressure out there t! hello are deer herd is struggling enough! less pressure is gonna allow more deer to be killed, more days in the field is gonna allow it as well
so tell me how is a 10 day deer hunt to much and 14 days is ok
utah doesnt have the deer herd to support 2-7 day rifle hunts in my opinion. this crap is getting old . are these guys really that dumb?
can anyone please tell me how the heck 2-7 day deer hunts will help the struggling deer herd?
they think one year of a 3/5 day deer hunt is gonna rebound the herd!?
i could see maybe two-3 day deer hunts being possible. but still dont like that idea either.
freak i swear these guys are getting dumber
next they wanna stuff the muzz and rifle hunters together on le elk hunts? how freakin stupid is this! so now the muzz guys are gonna be required to wear orage while trying to sneak into range on a bull while a rifle hunter can just smack the bull from 600 yards.
this crap just ticks me off.
i cant see a bit of good coming for either deer or elk if these props are approved. makes me sick.
these idiots need to quit managing for hunters and start managing for the healthy wildlife herds
can someone please inform me how anyone of these propsals are woth a dang?
If you take two hunts(deer and elk) and combine them to one(deer/elk) and then split it into two hunts (early and late) you still have two hunts. I'm sure the numbers would lesson due to people having two tags but I don't think you will see a huge drop of people in the field at the same time.
And Christmas come early for muzzy hunters with L.E. elk tags you get to hunt most of your hunt with the rifles, yeah. ](*,)
We need more consistency here, not throw darts at the board and hope the we 'hit' approach.
2. Consolidate most limited-entry elk hunts to September
Not sure I see the need for this? Unless we are talking archery I'm for it. Aren't things fairly easy for the most part on killing a bull currently with a LE tag???? Help me out here?
3. Proposal: Begin big game hunts on the same dates every year
Not sure I see the point of this either, but I don't have a problem either way I suppose. Think it's fine the way it is, but if they want the same date every year so be big deal. I personally liked the Saturday opener every year though.
I'd like more explanation as to why they do certain things and propose certain things?
I'm ALL FOR CHANGE for the better and if things improve, lets do it. Sometimes you have to try something new to see if it works...wise is the man that learns from his own mistakes and changes, WISER is the man that learns from others mistakes and doesn't have to change.
Lets me smart here and do what's good for the deer herds and grow some big bruiser bucks, unfortunately I'm afraid is all a business and MONEY is #1. Sadly, sorry folks look at the U of U and PAC 10 it's all about the might DOLLAR folks. Can't say I blame them one bit, but it's all about money.
Okay I'm off my rant.
I think the idea of less crowding is great. but look at all the hunts planned on the same month. how do you create less crowding with more hunts at the some time. dont even get me started on 7 day hunts or having them start on Friday. I have a hard time getting the time off for a Saturday start hate to see what happens when we start on Friday.
The two rifle hunts i'm not so sure about either, I kinda like it the way it is right now with just one.
i just think they need to quit trying to please someone every year. they need to get a plan for the benefit of the deer and elk and stick to it.