Man my luck has GOT to change!
8/16/10 1:35pm
Well my friends, it's been a BUSY BUSY summer for me. I've been on here as much as possible but am spending most of my free time in the mountains or on the river.
However, my luck has seemed to have gone south for the winter! To start, I had about $1000 worth of fishing gear stolen from my house a month ago. Sturgeon rods, Steelhead rods, and all my other poles. Plus two full tackle boxes worth of gear.
Then the REAL kicker! I lost my wallet while out fishing with my youngest son last Thursday. I looked for it all night and when Friday morning rolled around I started calling my credit card companys, banks, etc to report the loss. That's when I was told that during the night some SCUMBAG had cleaned me out. Both checking and savings accounts were down to near zero ($13 left)!!!!!!
Since that time I have spent my time on the phone, talking to detectives and various Sheriff's offices (Cross state and cross county thefts). I just cannot believe that this has happened! Luckily my house payment, truck payment, and most of the bills for this month had already been paid. However, things are going to be TIGHT this hunting season until/if this gets resolved. I may have to skip my annual Idaho Whitetail hunt too dangit!
Anyway, just venting. I guess I'll have more time to visit with you all here though...LOL. My loss, your gain.
However, my luck has seemed to have gone south for the winter! To start, I had about $1000 worth of fishing gear stolen from my house a month ago. Sturgeon rods, Steelhead rods, and all my other poles. Plus two full tackle boxes worth of gear.
Then the REAL kicker! I lost my wallet while out fishing with my youngest son last Thursday. I looked for it all night and when Friday morning rolled around I started calling my credit card companys, banks, etc to report the loss. That's when I was told that during the night some SCUMBAG had cleaned me out. Both checking and savings accounts were down to near zero ($13 left)!!!!!!
Since that time I have spent my time on the phone, talking to detectives and various Sheriff's offices (Cross state and cross county thefts). I just cannot believe that this has happened! Luckily my house payment, truck payment, and most of the bills for this month had already been paid. However, things are going to be TIGHT this hunting season until/if this gets resolved. I may have to skip my annual Idaho Whitetail hunt too dangit!
Anyway, just venting. I guess I'll have more time to visit with you all here though...LOL. My loss, your gain.
It didn't take too long, maybe a couple of weeks or so.
I don't think you'll get your fishing gear back but you will get your money back. Keep your head up.
Here let's see if this helps cheer you up.
just a small wise crack:)
really though, my 2 bits of advise, first - your homeowners/renters insurance will cover your fishing gear, thats what it's there for. you shouldn't eat all that gear yourself. if you haven't , i'd call TODAY.
2nd, it will take some time, but in the end99% of the time you should get all your money back into your accounts and any small hits of credit damage erased. but it will take a little while.
i sure hope it turnes around for you, i'm looking forward to your annual whitetail hunt, it always makes for good pictures and a story.
good luck to you bud! :thumb
I predict your luck will change, all good stuff. :thumb
Great news this morning! The detective called me this morning to inform me that he now has a suspect and vehicle from one of the ATM cameras!!! However, the times that the bank gave me for the other ATMs are not matching. Therefore, I am calling the bank again this morning to see if I can get it straightened out. I want the detective to get these bastards (pardon the french) on as many cameras as possible.
However, the news is just what I wanted to hear. I'll do whatever it takes to get these idiots behind bars.