Mathews Switchback
11/29/06 11:48am
I'm brand new to the site just found it.. Must say it looks like there are a bunch of great people here. I'm not new to bowhunting but I have yet to kill a Muley with one... I hunt on public land in AZ with over the counter tags..
Just was wondering if anyone is shooting the Mathews Switchback XT and how the like it.. I just purchased one on Saturday but have yet to give it a true test..
Any feed back would be great.. Thank you all and I look forward to reading some more stories..
Just was wondering if anyone is shooting the Mathews Switchback XT and how the like it.. I just purchased one on Saturday but have yet to give it a true test..
Any feed back would be great.. Thank you all and I look forward to reading some more stories..
I shot it thru a chronograph with Easton ACC's and 100gr field tips. Bow set at 70lbs and it consitantly shot 297 FPS.. That's much faster than my old Mathews Feather light but honeslty I didn't look at any other bows.. Mathews has done me right so I didn't see a need for change...
Just curious what is fast these days.
Don't know the speed numbers, but you have yourself and FINE bow. No need to switch IMO.
Good luck with it. You will love it.
I finally put the finishing touches on my new bow.. Here's what I got so far.
Mathews Swithback XT (70# at 85% letoff)
Mathews two piece quiver (one piece rattles even with lock tight)
Easton ACC's
G5 Montec Broadheads
Scott Mongoose release
Flash Point sites (almost a little too bright)
Any comments or questions welcome...
:thumb :thumb :arrow :arrow :thumb :thumb