Mathews SwitchBack

Has anyone tried the new Switchback?

I am think about buying one.

Test shot the Swtichback, the Hoyt Trykon, and the BowTech Allegiance. All are incredible bows that are free of handshock, fast, and efficient. For me the Hoyt was a bit heavier, very quiet, and had the best grip. The other two were very similar and also very quiet. You can't go wrong with any of them. Good luck and have fun!
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BOHNTR - You said the Trykon was heavy but quiet. Was it quieter than the Switchback? I currently shoot a Hoyt, and although I've never had a problem hunting with it, I do think it is a bit noisy. Some of my Matthews buddies are trying to convert me, so I was wondering your opinion. I haven't had a chance to run down and test the SB out yet.
I think it's a bit quieter, IMO. BOTH are very quiet bows though.
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My buddy just bought one and he loves it it really flings the arrows. But a lot of money.

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I have the switchback great shooting bow. You wont be disapointed.
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I am shoot the XT seem to be a great bow also shot Holt 1000 also a great bow but will shoot the XT this fall
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I shoot the Allegiance. Its an awsome bow. Its smooth and fast. I'm shooting a 410 grain arrow at 290fps. with a 28.5 inch draw length. Cant go wrong with the Allegiance.
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I purchased a Switchback xt earlier this year and am very pleased with
it. I plan on doing a little work on the grip to square it up some with the
bow but that is mainly because I like to tinker with things. A friend of mine
just bought a Bowtech and I also liked it. It seems to draw smooth and is
pretty quiet also. Good luck with your new bow, whatever it may be.
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Anybody know what the diference is between the older switchback and the XT? I have the older switchback and am very pleased.
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go to mathews web they will have spec. Not that much different. You do have a great bow. tell us when you do a robin hood
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The xt is shorter axle to axle, and a little more forgiving. It also has three dampeners in the cable guide as opposed to I believe two in the original switchback. Couldn't proove if that makes a difference or not. The original switchback is supposed to be a few of feet per second faster. I have shot both and they are excellent bows. :arrow
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Hey guys Im new here. I shot the Switchback and it is real smooth and accurate, but for the money I cant justify giving up my LX to move up. I think anything Mathews makes is going to be a good bow, I first bought a Q2XL then an SQ2 and now an LX. I will probably wait another year or two and get whatever is "new and improved" then, I dont know how much better bows can get though unless they start field dressing the deer for you.