may long
300 wsm
5/13/07 6:17pm
wondering what everyone is doing we will be heading into bear territory also do some scouting on the elk heards up in the livingstone range by crowsnest pass alberta
Did you get drawn for elk/ antelope? Putting in for rifle deer?
I didn't draw either one, up to 8 bonus points for antelope and 11 for elk.... ](*,) However, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
Actually, I picked up a leftover limited opportunity archery cow tag for a unit that had 0 percent success last year, so at least I'll have a reason to get out there after them this year. I've got a lot of scouting to do before then if I'm going to succeed where the 75 hunters last year failed!
I will apply for deer, but I usually hold out for pretty tough units since I hunt deer with a bow when not drawn. I also haven't heard back on New Mexico for elk or antelope yet, but aren't holding my breath. Are you a bowhunter?
Yes I am predominately a bow hunter. Like you, I put in for the hard deer hunts for my rifle tag, and otherwise hunt with a bow. In fact my first firearm hunt wasn't until '06 when I went to Nebraska for turkeys and didn't have my bowhunter card, so I had to use a shotgun.
Well goodluck on that cow hunt, at least your chasing something! Let us know how ya do.