meat preservation if you must leave an animal until morning?
7/24/10 9:48am
i drew my first archery tag this year and its a new ball game for me. i see alot of shows and articles about hunters having to abandon a stalk for a downed deer due to the sun setting and not wanting to put pressure on a possibly wounded animal. im curious in a "worst case scenerio" situation when you must leave an animal over night. how to preserve meat when you have an entire days hike back to the truck after you have found the animal. in august -september weather conditions. whats the length of time it would take an animals meat to expire? and whats your prime window of opportunity for still having good table faire? not just packing out a head. is finding a cold water source and chiling the meat for the hike back a possibility?
On the other hand, I left one overnight in the Arizona desert a few years back with different results. I tracked it at night for a bit, but after kicking him up from his bed, I decided to come back a few hours later in the morning. He was hit in the chest, but for some reason had an incredible will to survive. The next morning, I kicked 7 coyotes off of him........they had 3/4 of him eaten in just a few hours. The temps were very cold in the morning, but I had not thought of the predators in the Sonoran desert. The salvaged meat was fine because of the cold temps, but it made for an expensive steak when you talk about pounds of meat per NR tag cost! ](*,)