Mechanical or Fixed Blade Broadheads?

I have been hearing a lot of good and bad about the Mechanical Broadheads. Some don’t expand, or one blade expands and the other doesn’t.

What is everyones opinion? Also what is their preferred brand?
Fixed blade is your best option... Muzzy in my case

Unfortunately l have plenty of personal evidence to back my claim. Expandables are just not as dependable, plain and simple.
Thanks for the opinion. I have had a few people tell me the muzzy is a good way to go.
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Don't discount the thought of a fixed blade broadhead like the Wensel Woodsman. Yes, you have to sharpen them yourself, but it is not that hard with a 12" mill bastard file, and a two sided diamond stone. Shaving sharp in a couple of minutes, and what a blood trail. Very tough, no flimsy razor blade edges, and they fly true. Nothing to open them up in flight. They are making them 125 grains with inserts now. A good large animal broadhead.

There is much grumbling in my bowclub over expandibles. When the animal of a lifetime is before you, what do you want on your arrow? Many of these guys are switching back to fixed heads.

And Lighter, lighter, lighter is not necessarily better. JMHO
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I only use fixed blades! I had used muzzys, but I always had to re-sight in my bow. I switched to wasp broadheads and they fly the same as my field points! Just try them out use what suits you!
Sounds like most people are more comfortable shooting a fixed blade broadhead. The feedback is great and a good help.
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I shoot Montecs unless it's real windy then I shoot an NAP Shockwave which is an expandable. They've been around for quite a while and have always worked on deer. I don't believe most states allow mechanicals for elk which is a sound idea.
I shoot the NAP Spitfire's and have loved them. Have never had any trouble with them so far. But on the same note I understand that I can't take shots that are on a steep angles and that's ok as long as I stay with in my limits for the equipment that I use then I don't have any problems.