Meopta vs Vortex Throwdown...
7/31/08 11:38pm
I am preparing to spend about $1000 on a new pair of binos, which is a huge upgrade for me. I have pretty much narrowed my choices to the Meopta Meostar (aka Cabelas Euro) 12x50 or the Vortex Razor 12x50. I have seen both and they seem nearly identical in terms of glass quality, etc, but the Vortex has a vastly superior warranty. Do any of the more experienced guys have any opinions on this (or other glass I didn't mention)? Thanks for the thoughts. Also, please don't recommend Swaro... a grand is my limit!
think you answered the question yourself
Not to familiar with others.
Go to Cameralandny's website and compare the weights there thats where i got my Vortex.
Meopta makes the Cabelas Euro Bino and if you buy the Cabelas brand VS the Meopta brand Cabelas will fully stand behind them because it bares there name.
The Vortex Razors are vey comfortable in the hands more so than the Euros and is a little bit lighter both are very sharo and quality glass.
The Vortex IMO is more comfortable and would be a better choice if you were to wear them around all day.
The Cabelas Euro is a fine Bino and IMO a bit better for all day glassing, I personally really enjoyed using them in the past.
It is going to come down to your personal preference.