Mexico, who wants tah go...
The iceing on the cake for me is that their president had the balls to stand in front of congress and TELL us that we need to quit selling semi-aoutmatic guns down by the border. He says that we are the problem by letting those guns be down there. What a tard. Sounds like we need fully aoutmatic guns down there.
Unbelievable, Lucky he had that fast boat or who knows what would have happened.
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Lots of fun living down here right now. At least the news is finally starting to report on what's going on. We can't hunt in southern Az in the Tucson corridor because it's dangerous and there's so many illegals you'll lose all your stuff if you leave it unattended. The garbage is incredible too. They mentioned the Zetas in the report. They are pretty bad. Many were trained as special ops by the U.S. for the mexican police and army and immediately defected to the cartel for money. Now they recruit and train their own.
The illegals keep protesting here too. There was a pro SB 1070 ralley at Diablo Stadium last weekend. Folks from our neighborhood (55 plus) asked us to go. They said no guns allowed so I said no way. I carry everywhere. They came home a little scared. Seems some mexicans confronted them (because they had red, white and blue shirts) when they went to get something to eat and told them to get out of the neighborhood. Pretty bad when young men pick on old folks. They are getting bolder and more whipped up all the time. If Obama and the liberals don't stop empowering them there will be violence this summer for sure.
Praise be to Arizona for standing-up for what's right, cause Obama won't. Blow 'em out of the water boys.
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Had these pictures sent to me. Very sad! They said they followed that wash for a half mile and the trash never ended. It was a popular spot for Mexicans to cross the border.
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Trouble is brewing especially with the bad economy...

I’m afraid people are gonna loose patients with the government’s inability to do something and start sending the illegal back in body bags…

Americans are good hearted people but one can take so much and enough is enough…
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I love the "You owe us America" sign. They think they actually owned this land and will take it away from the whites and they were teaching this in school under the guise of history (this has been stopped now). In reality they claimed this land but few inhabited it because the Apache controlled it and killed them at their leisure. The whites came and took it from the Apache.
And as for killing us, I see very few of them preparing or practicing for warfare. Just talking like they are bad men. It'll be very one sided if anything comes of it.