Michael Jackson Dead
6/25/09 7:23pm
Hmm The last person I expeted to see die... :-k And Farrah Fawcet also...
and what the hell will they put on his obiturary? MR. , MRS, ??? today is a better day than yesturday
Why do we (meaning society as a whole) continue to place celebrities on a pedistol above and immune to the moral standards we espouse. Had this man (?) been a pillar of a local community, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, or tending the needs of the infirm or dieing, we would crucify him at the mearest hint of any sort of pervirsion, yet alone child molestation. When he died there would be no accolades for all the rightous things he did. He would placed in a lonely grave with a stake through his heart.
My 2 cents.
I am by no means a fan of Micheal Jackson as I never listened to his music. But I think you guys are forgetting one thing:
He was found innocent of all charges.
I am not trying to defend him in any way, as he turned into a freak of unnatural porportions, but he was tried in a court of law and they didn't convict him.
Anyways, aside from his last 10 years or so that were a downward spiral, those that are old enough have to admit he was truly a special talent whether you liked his music or not.
EDIT: I just love going against the grain! lol
but seriously, i did see in the news that the guy that found him, grabbed his hand and said " WOW!! i don't think he's been this stiff since mcoully caulkin last stayed over"
lol lol i know,i know, take it too, can anyone tell i cant stand the freikin pedephile? just cause your famouse doesn't make it o.k to mess with kids. hope he's resting in a hot place!
he did have to settle out of court with multiple families. why would you do that if you did nothing?