Michael Silva - New Mexico

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Dang that's a monster. What part of NM did you get him at? Is it some kinda big secret? Don't want to share the honey hole? 57 views and I'm the first to comment? That's the biggest typical Mule deer I've ever seen. If it was me I would have waited for a bigger One. Lol. If you ever need a hunting Partner let me know.
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that is one big 5x5 i have seen alot of typical mule deer but not one like this .i think your luck ran out after this big boy if you dont have room for him on your wall i have a spot at my house HA.HA.
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nice deer that thing is huge
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I got one last year that I thought was a nice typical. Scored 179 7/8 ths. would have made b&c if would have knocked off sticker by yours makes mine look small. Congrates. Don't run across them alot!
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this is a monster it is like finding a needel in a haystack did it poke you lol!!one day i hope i come across one like this real nice buck .
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that must come from the jicarilla rez