Midway MDF Banquet - 6/10/06

I hesitate to even mention this with all the negativity, but we would appreciate your support on June 10th. For those of you who feel you have a bone to pick with Tony, maybe you can get his ear while you're there.

The following tags will be available:

1. Diamond Mtn. Deer, archery
2. Wasatch Elk, muzzleloader
3. Central Deer
4. Northeastern Deer
5. Central Cow Elk

We will also have about 13 guns avialable through both auction and raffle and some nice optics as well.

Give me a call at 435 654-3772 or 435 671-6627 or you can contact Paul Kendall at 435 757-1278. Come join us and lets have a good time.

Jeff Rasband
The grand prize will be a Browning rifle w/ scope (should be Leupold) or a pair of Swaravski 10x40 SLCs. If we can get enough people there we will give both away together in the grand prize drawing.

We will also have 2 Fort Knox safes, 1 for auction and 1 will be raffled (buy a MDF medallion for $20 for a chance to win). We will be playing the card game to win a rifle as well as having several rifles available for the normal raffle. In total there will be about 12 rifles and a bow, most available via raffle. If you've got calibers you'd like to see there let me know.

Paul has been kind enough to donate some products from Knives of Alaska and Crooked Horn as well as a bunch of DVDs. (Thanks Paul).

We will also have some optics available...an Alpen spotting scope as well as Leupold Gold Ring spotter and Windriver Katmai binos. We'll have some sleeping bags, packs, headlamps, lanterns, and a few other items.
Forgot to mention package prices.

Single: $60.00
Couple: $80.00
Sponsor: $160.00
Corporate: $$600.00
Due to some conflicts we have to push this banquet back to the 23rd. I aplogize to those of you who have made arrangements for the 10th. If you are interested in attending, please contact Paul or me asseating will be limited.

Jeff Rasband
Come tonight if you can. We still have some seating available and we would enjoy your company.

It's at the Midway town hall - 140 W. Main St. Doors open at 5:00 pm.

Call me if you have any questions.

435 654-3772
