Minnesota Deer

My Wife took this one with a single shot at about 250 yards.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010010-4.jpg" alt="" />

My 07 MN Whitetail.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010022.jpg" alt="" />
Now there's a couple nice lookin' whitetail, Wayne!

CONGRATS to you and your wife!
Nice job Wayne, congrats to the BOTH of you! :thumb
Very nice. :thumb

You keep picking up animals like this you wont even need wood to build your cabin. You will be able to make it all out of antlers and skulls.

Congrats to you and your wife.
one day i'm going to go hunt white tails, and either one of those would fill my tag! i really wanted to go back to idaho this year and hunt them but they sold out before my procrastination backed off =D> next year!!!!!!!!!
Wayne, Congrats to you and the Mrs. Looks like you had a great season in at least 3 states. =D>
Thanks All! Was a great year! Sooooo many adventures.

I have a Montana general Elk license. But, wish I could give it away to one of you, however it's illegal.

Anyway, I've used up all my time for trips this year. So my Elk tag will go unused. I have no regrets.
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Nice bucks Wayne :thumb ....Too bad about your elk tag.....time to start planning for next year....Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have a great holiday season...

Congrats to the both of you!!
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Here a few more Minnesota & WI whitey's.....I always feel proud to do a little bragging about my boys and my Dad :)
John tagged the nice 8 point in MN on opening day and took another huge 8 pointer in WI last Tuesday almost as heavy and the horns were just as big I haven't developed that film yet....
Mike (who took a nice mulie in WY) took this nice 11 ender on MN second day it had an 18 3/8 inside spread....he also bagged an very nice 16" 8 pointer in WI last Friday.....
Despite Dad's artificial knees he still climbs the ladder to his stand and bagged a double on WI opener.....
Jim, my oldest son, took this nice 11 point non-typ on WI second day....took 6 hours to get out of the woods...weighed 211 which is the heaviest WI deer we have ever weighed......
We ended up tagging out on bucks in both states but unlike the boys
my 2 bucks were a 5 point butterball in MN and a basket 7 pointer in WI...
but I am like Dad meat first and if a trophy comes along once in a while that is OK too afterall how much more can you expect from public land?
Jim's buck had 18 1/8" spread with real nice palmation and mass
Jim's buck had 18 1/8" spread with real nice palmation and mass
Dad turned 80 in April he bagged this fine 7 point plus a bonus deer
on the opener in WI
Dad turned 80 in April he bagged this fine 7 point plus a bonus deer on the opener in WI
First weekend of MN produced these
2 fine bucks the 8 point weighed 191 and the 11+ change weighed 218
First weekend of MN produced these 2 fine bucks the 8 point weighed 191 and the 11+ change weighed 218

All great bucks! Thanks for posting them up and showing us. I like the unique look of the first one. :thumb
MNbogboy, now there's a mess of good tablefare if ya ask me! There are couple really nice whities in there, my friend. CONGRATS to your family on some fine lookin' bucks
MNbogboy, Those are some great MN & WS WT's Jim's buck has a real interesting rack. And those 1'st weekend MN bucks are some real dandies!

And hunting public land
=D> You guys did real well :thumb

Best wishes to you folks, and have a great holiday season.

Side note It's REALLY cold up here.
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congrats that is a nice buck