Minnesota Whitetail Bow Kill

I spent a week this fall chasing Muley's with my bow in southern Alberta. I stress chasing Muley's with my bow. I have taken a trip the last 3 years "chasing" some monster Muley's in Alberta. I had my opportunity at 36 yards broadside. Don't let anyone fool you when you have a nice 5x4 with 18" deep back forks staring at you..buck fever sets in. I shot underneath his chest. I had time to range him...use the right pin...and drop my bow arm during the shot. Anyways I was successful on an eastern whitetail this year. I wanted to post a couple of pictures of my whitetail bow kill in southeastern Minnesota the first week of November. I wish I could say this was a tough hunt but it wasn't. I took him 10 yards right under my stand. A stand that has produced some nice whitetails for me over the last few years. This deer came from private property of some friends I have that live in Minnesota.The deer I shot this year is an eight pointer green gross score 135+". I included a picture of another 8 pointer I took with a bow which netted 140". Look at these two deer and tell me if you don't think there is some genetic similarity. Both deer have an indentation(almost a hole) in their right main beam in the same location. You can't see the indentations in the pictures...just take my word for it. Would like to hear your thoughts if you think these two deer have some similar genetics. Both deer were taken on the same piece of property approximately 450 acres.
6x6 bull
Two great deer!!! Big time congrats. Thats to bad about your Canadian hunt. Maybe next year he will be a year older and a little bit bigger to get you even more excited.
LOVE the Whitetail...CONGRATS! 10sign:
Congrats on a couple nice MN White tails. For sure there's good genetics there. Very possible the doe herd in your area are from the same genetics. Those bucks travel a ways during the rut so, who knows.
Very pretty deer and yep they look similar. 10sign:
Great bucks :thumb and they do look a lot alike.
one hunting fool
nice deer one day i will have to try that whitetail thing out. we have very few here in Utah
Great looking whitetail buck
Very nice! =D>
very nice buck! :thumb thanks for sharing