Missouri river madness!!!

Saw more mallards on the river between Cascade and Craig than I have seen in YEARS!Had a mob of at least 200 birds come into the bank where I was setup 30 min before legal light,2 of them stuck around long enough to pay the price for 30 min of me trying to check the time on the cell phone without spooking them(not easy when they are in your lap) and my dog about shitting himself watching birds climb all over the bank 6 feet from us.Some dipshit driving down the frontage road stopped and popped a couple shots at birds he couldnt recover if he killed them and the sky turned BLACK,thousdands of greenheads and geese moved up stream for 10 min.They trickled back in slowly and I had a limit of drakes,6 greenheads 1 gadrake in no time.Godamn I wish i had tomorow off!!SUNDAY!! :hammer: :yes: :hammer:
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1drakes2.jpg" alt="" />
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1drake.jpg" alt="" />