12/3/07 12:39pm
Had a GREAT hunt over the new F/A HD dekes this morning on the Missouri north of Cascade,we were covered with birds from LST to about 11 am.Had many puddle ducks commit and some even made it into the water,first time this year I had greenheads right in my friggen lap,we were hiding in some cattails only 10 feet from the spread.We ended up with two kikass mixbag limits including 6 drake mallards,3 goldenye,2 ring necks,1 pintail,1 full plumage redhead and a gaddy.My partner took a HUGE northern greenhead that got tucked away for a mount as is my redhead,my first with all the colors bright.We saw well over 1000 mallards mostly highflyers moving through and had a few big wads come in and check out the dekes,there is no doubt in my mind that these new FAs had a posative effect on our hunt,birds of all color were commiting before we even had a chance to call to them.The dog made a great retrieve today,swam the entire river and chased down a broken wing greenhead on the opposite shore,caught it and hand delivered back on our side,not too shabby for an 11 month old dog.We broke in the new floaters and my buddy churched his new shooter with a first shot fired kill,no excuses for him!

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/2WR.jpg" alt="" />

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/3WR.jpg" alt="" />
