mom's buck! [with story]
10/14/07 3:51pm
last week was are deer season and i was able to go out with my parents for their rifle deer hunt. my mom has hunted faithfully for 20+ yrs and has never killed a buck! she is famous for getting buck fever. there has been times she has had a buck at less then 20 yrds and managed a miss. everytime we go out shooting targets she is a crack shot. one time about 15 yrs ago she was out hunting with a foster brother we had live with us for a few yrs and they seen some deer up on a ridge. after they both glassed the deer they both thought the first one was a buck, so she sets up for the shot[ which yrs later i ranged with my range finder to be minimum of over 350 yrd] and K.O.'s the deer! they climb the hill anly ti find that she had shot a doe. [ i know that some idiot will make some wise crack about them not making sure it had horns or unethicle shot or whatever, just remember this was 15+ yrs ago and they had optics back then that were garbage and they did both conferm back and forth that it was a buck, mistakes do happen] anyway so the one time she holds it all together and makes a heck of a shot it still was buckless.
this year was a super tough year on the family, earl;y in feb. we found out that my mom had breast cancer: talk about a reality check, luckely they found it real early but it is still a very intense process, she had to drive 60 miles a day for almost 2 months to get her treatments + surgery. and i dont care how many times they say you'll be just fine you still worry alot!. but now she is all done with her traetments and just has to take some pills for a couple yrs to make sure it doesnt come back.
so any way back to my story: at first she wasn't going to get a tag this yr because she wasn't supposed to hike big hills and was supposed to take it real easy. but she decided she wanted to get a tag a do what she could. so opening day i took her out and we first drove the quad to a trail head and started hikeing. [ which i would like to note; she wasn't evenb supposed to hike alot and driving trail on that quad was the last thing she wanted to do! she a go- getter!] i wanted to get to a lookout but before we got there my mom says" DUCKS" [ she was trying to say deer and bucks at the same time :)) :)) ] so we started stalking them and they would trot a little and hold up in the next set of trees. so we would move again and so would the deer. this went on and on a few times. and i asked her if we should stop. she wanted tyo give it one more try! so we moved not 15 yrd and the deer wlaked out. there were 2 forked horns and 1 4 pnt. she kneeled down and i tried to tell her "just be steady and sqweeze!" at the shot the buck humped up, i knew it was a good hit but i said "put another in him" so she moved and shot again this time he dropped! we walked up to the buck and it was one of the greatest feeling in the world! after her tough year this was all too deserving!
any way here are some pics, it's no monster. but it is the best of that group of bucks and after 20+ yrs it's her first buck!!! [ note : the hat and shirt :thumb ]
this year was a super tough year on the family, earl;y in feb. we found out that my mom had breast cancer: talk about a reality check, luckely they found it real early but it is still a very intense process, she had to drive 60 miles a day for almost 2 months to get her treatments + surgery. and i dont care how many times they say you'll be just fine you still worry alot!. but now she is all done with her traetments and just has to take some pills for a couple yrs to make sure it doesnt come back.
so any way back to my story: at first she wasn't going to get a tag this yr because she wasn't supposed to hike big hills and was supposed to take it real easy. but she decided she wanted to get a tag a do what she could. so opening day i took her out and we first drove the quad to a trail head and started hikeing. [ which i would like to note; she wasn't evenb supposed to hike alot and driving trail on that quad was the last thing she wanted to do! she a go- getter!] i wanted to get to a lookout but before we got there my mom says" DUCKS" [ she was trying to say deer and bucks at the same time :)) :)) ] so we started stalking them and they would trot a little and hold up in the next set of trees. so we would move again and so would the deer. this went on and on a few times. and i asked her if we should stop. she wanted tyo give it one more try! so we moved not 15 yrd and the deer wlaked out. there were 2 forked horns and 1 4 pnt. she kneeled down and i tried to tell her "just be steady and sqweeze!" at the shot the buck humped up, i knew it was a good hit but i said "put another in him" so she moved and shot again this time he dropped! we walked up to the buck and it was one of the greatest feeling in the world! after her tough year this was all too deserving!
any way here are some pics, it's no monster. but it is the best of that group of bucks and after 20+ yrs it's her first buck!!! [ note : the hat and shirt :thumb ]
What caliber is that 600?
Tell your MOM congrats from me my friend. COOL story and I'm 1st glad she is doing better and second glad she got a buck after all those years. That is dedication!
And HECK YEA I noticed the gear! Looking good! :thumb
Again, great story and a great buck. Tell your mom congrats, and I hope she continues to get better. God Bless.
Still out hunting here in WA. My son and I have seen a LOT of deer, blew two on a great buck, the other a 3X4, and got within shooting distance of two smaller 3X3s but niether was big enough for us (We didn't want to spend a full day packing out a smaller buck. If we're gonna work, we're gonna work for a bigger buck).
We'll be back out there tomorrow but we're having a blast regardless.
Take care my friend!