Monster Buck!!!!!!
8/27/10 4:45pm
WOW is all I can say. I recieved this in an email. Didn't have a story to it. But I have seen a few versions and rumors on other sites. Im sure the reall story will come out some time. Till then just enjoy the picture of a true stud of a buck. Said to be taken by Jason Carter, I have not Idea who that is or if this is him. Was said to be taken from the Beaver Mtn.
oh wait, i just looked again, it's just a really huge buck!!!
good golly there have been some huge bucks posted tonight. AWSOME IMO
what a beautiful Buck..i am soooooooooooo jealous
Many congrad`s to the
well from what i see here its a beautiful,but like anything big there must be a conspiracy behind it was shot on the grassy lol
The part that gets me is that the Carter Guy found the buck using some sort of aircraft - that doesn't seem to sporting as far as scouting goes, but I guess to each his own.......Take it for what it's worth.....nothing! :thumb
Lets stick to the facts. :thumb
As you probably know, I harvested a great buck this year in Southern Utah just south of Beaver Utah. Somebody (I would love to know who) started a rumor and sent it via cell phone text that I shot the buck out from under another hunter. The rumor is absolutely not true.
We bedded this buck and I stalked to within 35 yards of him and sat on him from 11:30 – 5:30 p.m. He got up a couple times in the thick trees to re-bed but I didn’t have a shot. At 5:30 he got up to feed a bit and I shot him. We video taped the entire hunt including the kill scene. This is the second year that I have hunted this buck. Last year I estimated he scored 215 or so but just couldn’t get the job done. We scored him at 247 gross with right at a 200” 4 point frame. We plan on releasing the story and video in January of 2011.
There was another hunter by the name of Rylan Orton that was hunting with my cousins Daniel (the hunter I supposedly screwed) and Mitch Carter. He wrote the following and Daniel Carter texted it to me directly:
“In regards to the bogus story that has been spread around about this deer and the hunters that had him supposedly shot out from underneath them. I am the hunter that was with jasons cousin. jason and his huntin fool crew just out hunted us. While we went home for a nap jason sat on this deer all day in the sun and when we came back for the evening hunt jason shot this deer while we were on our way in to sit 150 yards in front of us. Jason and his crew did an awesome job and this story that has been going around is just gossip. Please forward to everyone that sends you the blown out of proportion story.”
Also, here is a text from Daniel Carter himself to me(Jason Carter):
“I just wish this all wouldn't have got blown up like this. Welcome to beaver county. You killed him fair and square I hope the best for u. Your a great hunter”
I really appreciate those of you who know me well enough to stand behind me. It’s too bad that we as hunters have to defend ourselves against faceless, nameless rumors. This one has spread faster than I have ever seen probably due to the magazine and the size of the buck.
Best of luck to everyone this year! Feel free to forward this email and/or call me with any questions.
Jason Carter
Carter’s Hunter Services
In 2006 a good friend of mine and I hunted Kansas for whitetails and my friend killed a 272 net non typical whitetail which is the 2nd biggest wt ever killed in Kansas. Only one person was allowed to take a photo and within 24 hours it was all over the country and you can just imagine the rumors to boot. It also happened to be that my friend was pro staff member for team real tree and several other companies before he killed the buck. Of course people found this out and made up wild stories about my friend and even started a rumor saying the deer was poached which was NOT true, people were mad that he was a non resident and that he took a giant buck where they did not have permission to hunt but he did.
My friend took the deer 100% legally.
Before anyone passes on what they heard from who ever the source consider the source first and think about how you would feel if your reputation and business would be hurt if someone was to slander your name because someone was jealous of you.
Congrats to the hunter on a true trophy.
That deer is scary huge!