Monster elk
shed hunter
11/23/07 1:39am
about a month ago i was walking home from school, and as i arrived at my house a truck pulling a trailor drove down the road. as it came i looked in the back of the truck and sticking out was a huge antler. i first thought it was a giant mule deer, but when the truck passed it was only a small PORTION of one side of an elk head. i looked closly and it was huge, it had points sticking out all over the place. it was like a cactus bull, and the scull was bloody.
but anyways i never got around to posting about it.. but this thing was a giant bull and i was wondering if anybody had any information on it or posibly pictures
but anyways i never got around to posting about it.. but this thing was a giant bull and i was wondering if anybody had any information on it or posibly pictures
Saw a guy that got pulled over by a cop the other day, he had Antlers sticking out all over in the back of his truck also. Not sure what was going on. (???)