monster muley

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Dang!!! Was that on public land? What did it score?
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What's the story on this beast? More photos please.
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buck eas taken on public land in southwestern colorado.
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what was his gross & net score? nice wall hanger buck
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its amazing! amd I would love to hear more on this buck!
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This is a fake and those that posted it knows its fake. This kid made these horns and has been trying to convince folks it is a legit buck he killed. Nice try slapnut!
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looks real, but where did you manage to find a buck this big on public land
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i also think its fake. if it was real then get a pic of his body with the antlers on it!
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im only 13 and can tell that this rack is fake
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looks real to me how do you make horns like that?awsome buck,plenty of deer like that where i hunt,its called right time right place squeez bang drop yee haw brother
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anyone who thinks that big bucks posted on here are fake, grow up. ya'll are just jealous. there are plenty of places on public land that produce big bucks. its called scouting and going where no one else goes. thats where big bucks live.
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Any hunter would automatically notice the blood on the horns and know they are real!
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Well Tuffy!!! Why doesn't the hunter in the pic end all the debate and either show some pics of the horns on the head or fess up to them being made? Surely you have more pics than just that one of a buck that nice....
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I make these cast of antlers, and the red you see on the skull cap is the jell used to keep it from sticking to the moled. If i was to guess it is a real nice set of cast. But still a nice buck and i give him a score of 0 to 500 It is just one nice set . And if you no how to cast antles please paint or bleach the skull cap like i said nice set and i hope you get one more like this one .
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is nice i see buck like that at my hunting spot want to know where never tell hill
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There is a elk horn on the left hand side in the picture. It looks like trash but you can see the third on the elk horn. And he is holding it out quite aways. But still a nice deer. 210" gross ???
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all you haters need to shut your mouth! awesome deer dude don't these wanna be's take that away from you.
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anybody who hunts or guides in the backcountry knows its hard to get photos of the body with horns whether its weather or darkness, once you get to it and have to pack it anything unnecessary is left including the bones and most of the skull, humans and horses can only carry so much, nice animal
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This buck is not fake. It was killed on a ranch that I guide on. A true monster.
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fake come on boys thats right boys because men don't act like that, very nice buck on public land you bet i live in the south west around one of the nations largest citys i have been chassing a 33in buck that right 33++ for tow years now got pics and blewit three times in jan (hint ) thay are there ,but you have to do your HOMEWORK GET OFF YOUR AND SCOUT