Montana 2011 Help!!

I have been doing a lot of research about hunting whitetails next season in montana, but still a little confused with their system. Hopefully someone from the madness can help point me in the right direction. My father in law lives near Bozeman, and I would like to be able to hunt somewhere near there. Im going up there to visit next week and planned on getting a better idea of the areas while im up there. If anyone has some suggestions for a first time non resident I would sure appreciate the help!
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Bozeman is not a good WT area,head east young man.
West Central and North West Montana has good WT populations.

Non Resident Deer is a hard draw in MT. A bonus point system. About a 25 percent chance with no points. Applications are due bu March 15th.

Many areas in the East have Antlerless WT tags available.
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If your wanting some of the bigger WT's MT has to offer then probably go to Eastern MT. You will have to look into the regulations to figure out if the area you want to hunt is a general deer tag for either sex or if it's special draw. There is several areas that are general tags that you will have a great chance at getting a great buck. Good Luck

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99% of the eastern portion wt buck/doe.
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The best places near bozeman would be over by livingston mostly on private but im sure if you look hard enough you could find some decent public land. have no clue about drawing though.
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There is nothing near livingston public thats worth hunting,there are a few block managments that are but start calling right after this season ends,they take reservations and they go fast.You have to draw a tag before you start making plans,might as well put in for the deer elk combo its nly $70 more.
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Call Rod Pasche at sizzlin S' outfitters, tell him Tyson sent you. He has some great whitetails and he is priced very reasonable. He hunts east of billings.