Montana Decoys

I recently have seen some video and talked with a few well known bowhunters and wanted to pose this question to the forum. I am seriously thinking of purchasing a Montana Decoy (Elk) for this years hunt.

First, Do any of you use these?...Second, How much do you think they helped in your setup when animals came in?...and Third, those of you who have used them, which of the three elk positions do you own?(Frontal, Broadside or The "Moon")

I personally don't own one, but I have used one with a friend of mine. In 2005 we snuck in close (150 Yards) to a group of elk and set up the broadside decoy. His son and I both sat in the bushes a few yards apart on either side of it and started calling. A decent 6x6 dropped down into a small ravine and right up the hill towards us. He stopped about 15 yards from the decoy and just stared at it. My friend was about 40 yards away and didn't have a good shot. He was able to move about 20 yards closer before he shot the bull.

I have no idea if the decoy helped at all to get that bull to come in. In fact, I think we would have called him in even if we didn't have it with us. However, I'm convinced the only way my friend could have moved as much as he did is because the bull was fixated on the decoy.
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Get some fabric that is te same color as cow elk and just lay it on some brush or hang it up close by
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Hey there Goat - I own all three of the elk and one of the antelope. They work. They don't work in all situations, but I don't hunt elk without one. I especially take one when I bowhunt. The ideal use is for those elk that hang up at 80 yards when they want to see what has been making all of those cow calls. There is a reason they tell you to set them up away from any people. The antelope one has worked on every antelope kill I have been on.