Montana Decoys
4/2/07 4:35pm
I recently have seen some video and talked with a few well known bowhunters and wanted to pose this question to the forum. I am seriously thinking of purchasing a Montana Decoy (Elk) for this years hunt.
First, Do any of you use these?...Second, How much do you think they helped in your setup when animals came in?...and Third, those of you who have used them, which of the three elk positions do you own?(Frontal, Broadside or The "Moon")
First, Do any of you use these?...Second, How much do you think they helped in your setup when animals came in?...and Third, those of you who have used them, which of the three elk positions do you own?(Frontal, Broadside or The "Moon")
I have no idea if the decoy helped at all to get that bull to come in. In fact, I think we would have called him in even if we didn't have it with us. However, I'm convinced the only way my friend could have moved as much as he did is because the bull was fixated on the decoy.