montana draw

well i got hosed from the GREEDY state in Montana---- no tag! does anyone know if there still is a way to get a point for the individual species? to clarify, last year i drew my general tag then after that you apply for the tough units so i put in for a good elk unit and a good sheep unit and didn't draw those so i got 1 point each, but i still went general hunting. so now i'm wandering since i didn't draw the first part of the tag, so i cant really apply for the tougher units for elk and sheep can i get a point for them? i'm guessin no but figured i'd ask
Sorry about the bad luck. :>/

But as you know you have to be successful in the General license to apply for special permits. Did you try to get on the alternates list?
no i haven't . would that allow me, if i got the alternat tag, to get my PP's- needless to say i'm still taking it pretty hard! :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/ well just kidding, but i do wish i could get my points!
Killerbee, Yes even though you didn't draw you should receive the green application sheet to purchase a bonus point for the unit and species. If I remember right those come out at the beginning of May, as the deadline is June 1st. If you don't receive one in a couple of weeks or so, I'd call Montana FWP @ 406-444-2950 and have them mail you one.
killerbee, I did some checking, for special deer and elk you will be sent a form to fill out so you CAN like Hiker said participate in bonus points =D>

Couldn't find info on sheep, but must be the same?

I have 4 bonus points for special Elk, this may be the year.
WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks guys! that stokes me! thank for the info