Montana Muley 06
11/20/06 5:52pm
A couple pics of my buck taken 11/17/06. " alt="" /> " alt="" />

I wanna see more pics. :)
Great lookin' buck my friend!
Rare picture like Bigfoot Pictures? ???
I think that every time I do a Muley hunt "this is the best hunt yet" and this hunt was one of the best.
I had put in 9 days of hard hunting, 5 opening week then starting again 11/15. On the morning of the 18th my plans were to take a long hike through some of the best Muley country I know of. Only problem 2-3 miles from the truck. If I scored I would have to pack the deer out.
Anyway about a half mile into my walk going South with the wind blowing briskly from the West I saw a doe trotting up a ravine about a quarter mile to the East, she couldn't see me but for sure could smell me. As I glassed, this buck came up out of the draw head down rutting. By now they're about 500 yrds off and heading for the next ravine to the East. I would need to do something to get the wind in my favor. I could backtrack to where I parked the truck, walk to the East and work my way to the far side of the ravine [more like a canyon] where I figured the deer would be.
Or I could continue to the South to the head of these draws then go to the East to the far side of the second canyon then work my way back North. I chose the latter.
It took me I guess about 4 hrs to get around to the East and approach the area where I estimated where the deer would be. I used rocks and sagebrush to keep from skyling myself to get close to the edge and look over, nothing. I tried again a couple hundred yards North, then farther North still nothing. ??? Now what? only a couple hrs of daylight left. I would go back to the North about 3/4 mile to a big side draw that runs off to the East. I would approach about 1/4 mile from the main canyon, one last try for the day. I crawled up behind a coulple of waist high rocks to look over the ravine. Just like that a doe appears on the far side of the draw and right behind her the buck, he looked to me like a 24" or better and I was getting a bit shaky. They stoped braodside about 150 yards out. :thumb I field dressed the buck as it was getting dark and packed him out the next day. It was an easy pack, down the side draw and 3/4 mile down the main dranage to the 2 track and pickup. :thumb
Its hard for me to keep this as short as I did, there are other things I would like to share. Like the coyotes and the big whitetail buck I saw while on my stalk.
Oh well, another time.
Thanks for taking the time to share!