Montana Mulies

Well, I am new to this forum and look forward in learning as much as possible from you guys before I go on my first mule deer hunt in Montana Nov. 2009. I am from Texas and have hunted whitetails my whole life in both Texas and Nebraska. I have my first mule deer trip scheduled for the week before Thanksgiving in 2009 just East of Lewistown, Montana in Fergus County. If anyone is from around that part of Montana or has hunted there and can give some pointers on how I should go about hunting these awsome creatures. I don't know much about the ranch other than I have about 10,000 that is mountainous, ya'll may call them foothills with alfalfa field in the low lying areas. I do know it how several springs on the place that dump into small ponds. Also, what caliber of mule deer should I be looing for. I don't want to go up there with high expectations and come home empty handed but do want to take a solid mule deer. What are my odds?

Thanks Guys
Judaville, Welcome to MM. I do happen to know the area very well. You are East of Lewistown, going to be in the Judith Mountain area. Covers a very large open type country. Just to the South are the Snowy Mountains. And farther East is the vast Open rolling country South of the FT Peck Lake and the CMR. Can you be more specific?
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I wish I could. All I know is that it is about 15 min. out of town and the ranch is right off of Hwy 87. North or South of 87 I do not know. A freind of mine was there in 2007 whitetail hunting and he is worthless because he can't remember a thing about a good location. By the way he did get a decent whitetail that scored 145 B&C. He did tel me that the mulies were in the high country and most all the whitetails were lower.
15 minutes East of Lewistown will get you into the foothills of the Judith Mountains. You, having your license now tells me you are guaranteed through an outfitter. [not a bad thing]. Probably will give you rights to closed private land. [another good thing]
Anyway, hard to tell, about the size of the Muley bucks? This area is not known for trophy class deer. However don't shoot the first 20 incher you see. For sure the White Tails are in the bottoms.
You are going to be in a beautiful Ponderosa Pine park like setting, mild mountain type hunting.
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Well, I was hoping for a little more. Yes, it is a private ranch. What you are describing seems to be pretty close to what I was told about the terrain. I think I am going to try to shoot for a minimum of 22" 4x4 with nice mass. I do know that a really nice muley was taken last year on the ranch but I haven't seen the pictures. So should I try a sopt and stalk method or set up somewhere in the higher country and watch an opening of some sort?
Are you on your own? or with a guide?
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I'm on my own. I am getting a tag through a landowner.
Not known for monster bucks,Id be looking for something that represents a nice specimen for the area.Better to take home a good representation of the deer in your area than go home empty handed on what may be a once in a lifetime hunt.Mass is something you may not find,then again anything is possible.
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Waynedevore, I have to correct myself, I called my buddy this morning and we are going through an outfitter. Thanks for the info guys. I am truly looking forward to this new experience and Montana's beauty.
Do you know the name of the outfitters buisness?
Yes, you would have to be going though an outfitter to get the guaranteed license. Landowner sponsored is a drawing. That country has a good population of both species. WT in the brushy bottoms and crop areas and the MD in the rougher country. Better chance of a trophy class WT then MD. But like so much of MT if your in an area where bucks can get to the 4 plus year old range there will be some 25 inch plus MD. Most of the Judith mt area is private land, no NF and only small amounts of BLM and state land. That will be a good thing as far as hunting pressure. I would say your in a good spot. One of the problems with being with a guide, you will hunt his way. If your going off on your own, let us know. We at MM will provide a lot of good info.
Dont rule out shooting a monster WT,there are plenty of them in that region.There is quite a bit of block managment in the region as well,if you are going to be hunting on your own it wouldnt hurt to call the MT F&G and get the BM maps for the area,might open up some land to you that appears private.Ask the outfitter for pics of last years deer only,that will give you a true outlook of what his land holds,pics of a 32" deer killed in '81 (like most MT outfitters like to use on their websites) make them look good but are not an accurate representation of the deer that we have now.
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No. I'm not in the loop of all that. I am just along for the ride. I could find out.
if you are paying to go I would do some research