Montana Mulies
2/23/09 6:24pm
Well, I am new to this forum and look forward in learning as much as possible from you guys before I go on my first mule deer hunt in Montana Nov. 2009. I am from Texas and have hunted whitetails my whole life in both Texas and Nebraska. I have my first mule deer trip scheduled for the week before Thanksgiving in 2009 just East of Lewistown, Montana in Fergus County. If anyone is from around that part of Montana or has hunted there and can give some pointers on how I should go about hunting these awsome creatures. I don't know much about the ranch other than I have about 10,000 that is mountainous, ya'll may call them foothills with alfalfa field in the low lying areas. I do know it how several springs on the place that dump into small ponds. Also, what caliber of mule deer should I be looing for. I don't want to go up there with high expectations and come home empty handed but do want to take a solid mule deer. What are my odds?
Thanks Guys
Thanks Guys
Anyway, hard to tell, about the size of the Muley bucks? This area is not known for trophy class deer. However don't shoot the first 20 incher you see. For sure the White Tails are in the bottoms.
You are going to be in a beautiful Ponderosa Pine park like setting, mild mountain type hunting.