Montana terrorist cell destroyed
12/21/08 6:50pm
The morning started slowly,the lookout goldeneye scouts made an attempt to draw our fire and reveal our location but were unsuccsesful.We held our fire knowing my intel was good and the muslim invaders had a full scale attack planned on our location.A storm blew in and the attack came,full scale,no prisoners were taken.The greenheads and their gihadist goose leaders threw themselves apon us and with our ammo running low and a dog completly fed up with putting toe tags on their carcasse's we withdrew to the saftey of our armored vehicle with our limits full.An absolutly outstanding day in the war on waterfowl terror,one for the books.You know its a good day when you literally have to drag your birds back to the truck,ALLAH AKBAR!!!! :hammer: :hammer: :yes: :thumbsup: :yes: :hammer: :hammer:" alt="" />

Wow! thats impressive.. Great picture
any jewelry?