Montana Trip
9/28/06 8:15pm
Like always it was great being back in Montana.
I took off for a few days to do some bird hunting and scout around for Muleys and Elk for later hunts.
I took these photos from high on Taylor Mountain in the Little Belt Range.
Yeah, no roads here I walked up. It had been 15 years since I made the hike. Funny thing, that old mountain has gotten steeper and the air thinner. But the views are still simply breath Taking. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
I took off for a few days to do some bird hunting and scout around for Muleys and Elk for later hunts.
I took these photos from high on Taylor Mountain in the Little Belt Range.
Yeah, no roads here I walked up. It had been 15 years since I made the hike. Funny thing, that old mountain has gotten steeper and the air thinner. But the views are still simply breath Taking.

Sure looks like some beautiful country.
I wanted to spend a couple of days up there glassing and Sharptail hunting. Heavy rains made it impossible. I will try again on Oct 6.
I saw good numbers of Mule Deer and Elk in the mountains, but no big guys.