Moose Gets Elk
Big Moose
12/19/10 9:46am
Here are a few photos of the bull I took this year in Colorado. I gave up elk hunting many years ago when we got rid of the horses but since we could not get deer tags this year we decided to elk hunt rather than stay home. We took four bulls out of seven of us and had plenty of meat to take home. Packing the bulls out was kind of rough on us old deer hunters. Thanks to our friends, Josh and Brook for bringing up their 5 horses and packing out two of the bulls for us.
Nice pix, and excellent story, thanks for sharing!
God bless.
We hunted in the White River National Forest on public land in a area where we usually deer hunt and camped in our favorite camp spot. Guess it does not get much better than that!
This really was a great trip and as my brother, the ELK hunter, says " you actually brought home something you can eat!" (as opposed to deer meat according to him).