moose scouting

well i went up labor day weekend to scout moose, i seen two bulls and two cows . (could not get out a lot to scout it was pouring rain most of the weekend and cold!i went several times but one of the times i was quite aways from camp and it started pouring lucky i was prepared and had a poncho but my hands were numb!)well i only could get pictures of the one bull but he is quite a bit bigger than the other i saw.he is not a monster but in my opinion a very respectable bull, i would be ecstatic to get him! [-o< he is a 6x6 with the doubles in front on just the one side, but.. i am a sucker for uniquness and he is a little unique. . well here are the pics. what do you guys think for width? i thought between 34-38 inches.not sure though just a guess.
well happy hunting everyone and good luck! :thumb
i do have about 100 more lol but no time to post . hope you all enjoy!
Well Ox, since I have never harvested a Moose before, my opinion is probably not the greatest but I think he's a great lookin' bull. I'd be happy with him!
The Ox
thanks, im in the same boat as you thats only the second shiras bull i have ever seen in real life. i know there are lots bigger but there are also lots smaller too so i think i would be pretty happy to get him especially with a bow and i think i could get him with one easily i got to 15 yards of him and didnt dare get closer lol
Where were you scouting? I would say no, not a shooter until the last day. There are alot better bulls than him up here.
I would assume there is bigger bulls also, but if you happy with him then that's what matters most.

SWEET photos! :thumb
Great pics hope you get to tag a good one.
I agree with you on the width. Save him for the last day. You wont be sorry.
6x6 bull
Ox, I hope you get a big one. I'll be pulling for you. Bring home a freezer full.
The Ox
man i thought he was a decent bull. lol but i am still tryin to decide what to do. thats just the biggest one i have seen and i know where he lives so its hard to pass on him incase someone else gets an oppurtunity on him
Good luck my friend and keep us posted. I am pretty jealous that you even have the opportunity to hunt a bull moose! I can't wait to hear how it turns out.
The Ox
"AGCHAWK" wrote:Good luck my friend and keep us posted. I am pretty jealous that you even have the opportunity to hunt a bull moose! I can't wait to hear how it turns out.
well i hope i dont let ya down but at any reguard its gonna be a great time!
when do you start? cant wait for the pics!!
The Ox
"killerbee" wrote:when do you start? cant wait for the pics!!
this saturday!!! heading up thurs night
man i hope i dont let ya all down the pressure is on now lol
LOL...well OX, you're my hero so don't let that get to ya!

Naw...enjoy the hunt, and the opportunity to bring home a true trophy of a lifetime!
very cool. i leave thursday night for a 4 day bivy. when i get back i hope to some pics from the couple "huge" hunt we have coming this weekend. your moose tag and DEADI's elk tag :thumb hope you guys have a KILLER weekend!
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I'd say he is in the 36-38. He looks like a young bull and he is pretty narrow on the paddles and light on the points. I dont know anything about your unit as far as quality, ask the local biologist. He may be a shooter, but if you have time to keep looking I would. The rut will be starting in about 2-3 weeks and the better bulls will be making an appearence everywhere the cows are hanging out.