moose sheds
2/12/13 9:17pm
Hey what's up guys i was sitting here thinking i have never found any moose sheds and id like to was wondering if anyone could tell me do the drop around the same time as elk I'm thinking of going up around strawberry here in Utah.

2/13/13 6:55pm
I usually notice them fairly early. Around December I have seen.

2/14/13 6:15am
Cool thanks for the info I'm hoping to get into some i don't know allot about moose ain't to many in my area so we will see how this goes

2/14/13 10:02am
I've heard that they tend to drop in December- There are always exceptions though, but they usually are on the ground before elk. I'm hoping to find a paddle one of these days too. Good luck!

2/21/13 11:08am
What type of terrain do the moose usually like? I am pretty sure the population is growing in Colorado and I here there are some up around Creede not far from me. At least they have signs up saying moose in area.

2/21/13 10:45pm
Ohh yea for sure man.. i hunt pretty close to that area they have a lotta moose down there now man.. many good bulls.. i would stay stick to the willow choked riverbottoms just walk along those small streams and u should come across one eventually.. the moose like to foolow those creeks aup to the big basins up top and go down another creek to get into other drainages.. streams are basically their major travel routes in that area from what ive seen hunting there the past 8 years for elk.

2/25/13 2:09pm
Very cool thanks for the reply. Its getting time to put in some miles .