moose spread

what the easiest way to determine width of moose antlers? are they like muleys? ears being a good indicator or what? hoping to hold for a 40"er +
i'd say shoot them then put a tape on it?? you cant go wrong that way, the tape wont lie :)) :)) sorry had too :))
The Ox
holy cow!!! killer i think your on too something!! i might have to try that! lol
really though,i'm not sure how wide the ears are or what people who hunt them alot use to judge there width. when i went to Alaska they said it was easy to judge the 50 inch min. cause it went by age. there first year they were spike/forked hornes, then the second year they would have an average of 30" spread, then there 3rd year it would be over 50 inches. so it was unlikely to shoot a bull that was 44" inches or so cause they were either going to be over 50" or clear down to the low 30" if it was younger.???? i dont know if it was a line of B.S. or not. it kinda seemed to be the case when we were hunting we didn't see any bulls that were n between. my buddies bull was cutting it close though, his measured 50 2/8" for his spread .... we were a little worried but it passed the check station just fine.
I would get as much time in looking at moose that have been already been taken, cause that way you will know what they will look like and have an exact measurment
Try going to Cabelas, Sportsman's warehouse, or any other sporting goods store with moose mounts to get a good close up look at them.
Here is a 51 1/2 inch wide bull" alt="" />
Same bull, but a live picture" alt="" />
here is my moose to look at. it's 58" it might not help alot, they are alot bigger bodied in alaska but it's something to look at
i'll try to make these a little bigger
the shiras in my avatar is 47", small pic, wish i would have had a digital at the time....
The Ox
thanks for the advice and great job on some awesome bulls. i cant wait to get hunting them hopefully all goes well and i have a great time to say the least!
6x6 bull
Ox, have you found the one that you are going to go after yet?
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Ox, there were some good posts about this recently on here is the link:

Most guys put mooses ears at about 22 to 24 inches wide. Hopefully that helps a little.
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Most shiras (at least here in MT) will have about 10" ears. Ear tip to ear tip will run about 30".
The Ox
"6x6 bull" wrote:Ox, have you found the one that you are going to go after yet?
i went up labor day weekend seen two cows and two bulls one little guy and a decent one he is a 6x6 id guess at least 36+ inches (just a guess hard to judge these guys!)thats the best i have found so far and i think i would be exceptionally happy with him! i got lots of pics of him but i dont have time to post them right now and probably wont until after my hunt i wont have any access to the computer this week so ill keep ya guys posted,when i get back.
but ill try to post some photos tonight