More Bow Hunting Highlights!!
9/11/07 4:22pm
Think my last post actually sounded a bit negative.
I've actually been having a TON of fun even though I haven't killed a buck.
Man have I had several close calls and good opportunities though.
Can you believe I was within 20-25 yards of this guy on Saturday morning
broadside and never even got off a shot. (???) (???)
Darn 2-point had me pegged and wouldn't keep his eyes off me at the same distance. I thought FOR SURE I was getting a shot and kill.
Was behind a tree, just patiently waiting for the "opportune moment."
When this big guy started to walk sideways behind a tree, I drew back....well needless to say all heck broke loose. They either heard or saw my movement and boom GONE!!
Was a blast though, but my inexperience likely got the best of me.
I've actually been having a TON of fun even though I haven't killed a buck.
Man have I had several close calls and good opportunities though.
Can you believe I was within 20-25 yards of this guy on Saturday morning
broadside and never even got off a shot. (???) (???)
Darn 2-point had me pegged and wouldn't keep his eyes off me at the same distance. I thought FOR SURE I was getting a shot and kill.
Was behind a tree, just patiently waiting for the "opportune moment."
When this big guy started to walk sideways behind a tree, I drew back....well needless to say all heck broke loose. They either heard or saw my movement and boom GONE!!
Was a blast though, but my inexperience likely got the best of me.
And question for you bowhunters.
Is it possible to draw a bow back on a deer staring you down at 20 yards, actually more like 15 yards possibly??
I simply did not dare move, if the 2-point wasn't there. This buck was DEAD!!
Can you draw back VERY, VERY, SLOW?? In hind sight, I wish I would have tried...because big guy was same distance as the little guy and never knew I was there, he turned and started to feed out of a tree for a minute broadside.
I would have had to move about 5 or so to my left for the shooting lane.
Should I have set up in the wide open in the shooting lane or stayed behind the tree where I was??
Man was I dang close, just blew it or the 2-point did for me. :)
I don't think I would have had a chance drawing back with the little guy staring me down. But I think I might have had a slight chance by setting up in the shooting lane, they fed RIGHT TO ME!!
When I did draw, I think I may have done so a bit to quick or moved to fast??
I had to take my eyes off the 2-point and he or the big one didn't like what they saw/heard.
BTW, I had "shooters" to my left at 35 or so yards.
"shooters" to my right at same distance
"shooters" directly in front of me even closer and at some point only about 10 yards or less.
No GOOD shot on the side bucks, just the front buck in the pictures!!
As I stated earlier though, I'm sure things will work out provided ya keep at it.
At least you had fun and learned a little, right?