More Goats
4/13/07 1:17pm
My new lens showed up this morning and I couldnt resist, I had to go try it out.
Enjoy " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

Hope you all dont get tired of seein Goats :)
This goat got curious and walked right over to about ten yards and I just froze till she(I think she was a Nannie) turned away then started shooting.
What kind of lens did you get?
BB92, One of the ways to tell the difference, Billies will usually have thicker horns, especially around the bases.
We're gonna have to go without payin' the bills for a while now, just so he can keep up!!!
Dang, I gotta hide this forum from him...
This next pic I am pretty sure is a Billy, a young Billy but he is a BIlly.
notice the mass around the bases, the one on the left is a mature Nanny.
This pic was taken weeks ago with a different lens also.
you are now my new muleymadness idol, awsome pics!
Here are a couple more.