More Poaching Idiots - And this one is bad.
4/28/10 4:52pm
Unreal these idiots...
On a side note, did anyone read the comments...particularly the one about the buck only having one antler and that it was a "bad photo shop job"? =D> Pretty funny the things some people say without having a clue as to what they're talking about...made me laugh anyway. :) At least the commenter wasn't bashing all hunters....
"Oh boy I cant wait til there aren't anymore LE & PLE Deer units to hunt on!!!" (Sarcasm)
Come on deersman, your kidding me right. I understand my analogy might be a stretch, but seriously it's called THE LAW and I could go on and on why this bad all the way around and not just for sportsman.
And by the way HUMANS are way more important than DEER, don't want anyone thinking I'm to crazy. :)
I hope that answers your question as to why I am upset with them, Deersman.
We need more concerned sportsman to turn people in, stand up for what's right and NOT what public, friend, and even families are okay with because that's not always right either. Don't cave to peer pressure and I'm talking to myself as I type this also.
Stealing from us? Yes. How are you quantifying each deer poached? The price of a tag? $35 so they stole $3500. Hmmm sure lock them up make an example out of them. Get a rope I think not.
"Predators are doing what they do." And these cheaters were doing what they do cheat.
"Predators are bound by no laws." Correct but they are subject to our management plan.
My original post was asking why is heavy natural predation accepted. And in comparison a minuscule amount of deer are poached and this insights all kind of rage.
We have ability to manage for less predators. I consider hunters as predators don't you. Why have a LE cougar hunt? For 30 houndsman? What about the 100000 deer hunters. Some trade off. :>/
Here is the deal we are protective of a herd that isn't big enough to accommodate all of the human hunters. So if the herd is so fragile that 90 bucks over 10 yrs is a significant loss. Wouldn't it serve us to manage for less predators so that they weren't taking so much?
I agree we could manage predators better but good luck getting new management plans passed.
How often are you out and about predator hunting especially Yotes since they are so hard on our herds?
The whole reason it is so wrong is because they broke the law!!!! They are human beings who abide by the laws that everyone else does or suffer the consquences of stealing from all of the public.
I am not saying I have everyhting figured out or that I could fix everything but something really needs to be done about this. Think about it over a decade of poached animals and they never got caught or turned in till now! There is something wrong with everyone that new about it and IMO they are just as guilty and the trigger pullers.
Oh and i have never used that ignorant stement before now :thumb
As far as "Preators are doing what they do" and the cheaters are just cheating, the diference is that the predators are doing it for food primarily (expect wolces at times). It's instinctual and the way nature works. The cheaters however make a conscious decision to poach and steal. The comparison doesn't work between cheaters and predators.
Don't get me wrong deersman. I hear what youre saying about too many predators. We should definitely limit the number of predators through more hunting opportunities if we want to keep the herd numbers high enough to support the current number of hunters. And yes the herd should be able to support an additional 90-100 poached animals. One problem is that the poachers are being a little more selective that the the predators. They're poaching off trophy animals from areas that you or I may get to hunt someday. Our potential for a great buck is lessened in those areas becuase the deer was taken from us.
I'm with others on here that have expressed a hope that these guy's get a srious example made out of them.
Poachers are idiots but I have more contempt for the DWR and the sportsmans groups they cater to. And good point on wolf's they are the next tool consolidate power. Taking it away from a large group and leaving it for a small one.
14 yotes in three trips is good for anyone :thumb
Its been said that they are stealing from all of us which I agree. But how do we quantify it? Just to put things into perspective.
Heck of a trip! 14 Yotes is great.
I'm zero yotes for one day trip out this year. Better step it up.
According to everything I read poaching is increasing at a alarming rate combined that with coyotes and wolves I hope there’s some hunting left for our kids.
Give 'em the worst penalties possible and times it by 1,000. They are just lucky I wasn't the one who made the arest or have a chance to try them!
Comparing hunting to animal cruelty. Good grief get a grip. They broke the rules of hunting. What are you guys? Vegetarians. I suppose you thing archery hunting is cruel and inhumane.
If its 90 deer you are having a fit over go buy a harvest objective tag today OTC and go kill a cougar. Then take a few trips this yr coyote hunting. Then let the DWR know you don't support a LE cougar hunt that manages for a healthy cougar (4 legged poacher) population.
Wow How can you be so unethical when it comes to this? And by the way, I am not a vegetarian and as a matter of fact I am a bowhunter. So to answer your question, no I don't think that archery hunting is cruel or inhumane. But there is a HUGE difference between hunting and slaughtering. What these poachers did was slaughter the deer. Not hunt the deer. That is why I stated that is was "animal cruelty". You don't think that its cruel to go and slaughter a whole herd of animals just cause? What we do as hunters is night and day from what poachers do. Thats what I was trying to say. And are you serious about cougars being poachers? Maybe you need to "get a grip" and realize that they hunt the deer to survive. They don't go after deer just for fun or to see how many they can get. If they don't hunt, then they die. And they use all of the animal. For some reason I don't think it was a survive or die situation for these poachers' lives. And they left a lot of them just to rot. Bottom line, the big deal is that its respect for the animal which every true ethical hunter should know and have. And if you don't then I feel sorry that you don't get that and see why a majority of the people have commented on this forum in the same manner. Against poaching and just wanting justice served.
Slaughter? Eat beef? Chicken? Pork? Research that process.
I know cougar eat to survive. You will have to refer or my earlier posts on the matter. Why have a LE hunt for them? 1 cat could do as much damage to a deer herd in 2 yrs as these poachers did. As many as 600 deer in a 12 yr lifespan. With LE it easy for them to reach that age.
It's slippery slippery slope you are on with this animal cruelty bit. Do you understand the majority of Americans are not hunters and it wont be long before there is a push to call hunting inhumane. And it is shameful that a hunter or hunters would give that concession to non hunters. That shooting a wild animal is in any way animal cruelty.