More Rutting Bucks.

Here's a few more rut pics I got. Unfortunately I didn't get out near as much as I would have the last few weeks and when I did the bucks didn't want to cooperate seemed they were more interested in chasing tail than posing for good pics.

The first link is video of a buck I've seen the last couple of years, he's one of my favorite bucks.

I thought this was a super cool clip. I spotted this guy right off the highway at the base of the cliffs, and he turned sheep on me and scaled the cliff in under a minute to get to some does. I've hiked up the same general area and it takes about 20 minutes these deer are pretty amazing animals.
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Nice pics bird. Thanks for sharing.
Couple of cool bucks for sure, thanks for sharing more pics. What's the bleating noise?
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That's the deer making those noises. It was pretty cool. They didn't even care that I was there. I take it the links work? I forgot to turn the sharing on till I got an email asking if you could look at them.
Yea I requested permission, they didn't work at first. Was it does/fawns making the noise?
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Yeah I think so. There was a group just out of the frame that were getting pushed around by another buck, and that seemed to be were most of it was coming from.