More wildlife in the city

So last week I found a story about a Moose in Ogden and posted it in the forum. This week there are 2 more stories in the news about the wildlife being in the city. I thought about it for a second and then realized that it seems like more and more Im hearing about this. My mom's house is on the east bench right below Foothill Dr (for those no familiar with UT, its less than 2 miles to 2 different Canyons.) She has deer that are in the neighborhood often but they've seen a lot more this year than usual. You think all this rain we've been having has something to do with all this? What are all your thoughts on this?

2 stories from the news today
Moose in SLC -

Bear in Provo -,0,83277.story">,0,83277.story
Kemo Sabe
It's been a regular occurrence for as long as I can remember. Deer & moose seem to be the most common, but there's also been stories about other animals in town, including goats, lions and bears.
I don't know if the rain has anything to do with it or not. I drive on foothill everyday to get to work. About three weeks ago there was a nice 4 point buck dead on the side of te road. A shame, he was about 22" one side of the antlers had th front broken from the wreck. I've seen about a dozen dead bucks up that way over the last six years.
Really? My mom has a 4x4 in her yard about every week (they call him Chet IoI) and they havnt seen him for about 2 months now. I wonder if he got hit there too.