Morel season is getting close!
3/30/09 8:35pm
Well, it's getting close to that time of year. I think I'll head out this coming week (I have a few days of leave saved up) and see if I can find any morels. Not sure if they have started to sprout yet but I always have fun walking the hills and figured it's just another excuse to get out of the house.
Here are a couple pics from 2007 (I missed last year's season...not many of them in Iraq lol )
Here are a couple pics from 2007 (I missed last year's season...not many of them in Iraq lol )
i cant wait till this season, will have to get some good ATL's for mushrooms!
Well, I am not sure if they have started sprouting yet in the Blues. Those pics above were taken on 04MAY so we are certainly getting close.
From past experience, once you get to the point that most of the snow pack is gone and bare ground starts showing, that's also when the morels start sprouting. However, we are still getting snow up here so I am not sure what my normal area looks like. Again, I am taking some leave next week and will probably make a trip into the Blues on Tuesday and see what it looks like. If I don't find anything, maybe I'll take a walk and see if I can find any elk sheds. Of course, I am sure more of the hard core shed hunters have probably already been through there numerous times but I'll get a good hike out of it either way.
I see different kinds of mushrooms around here but they dont look like that.. How do you know if they are eatable??? I heard if they smell funny then they are not poisonous.. Don’t they all smell funny??
But looks like fun scouting for them while out hiking.. Better have a big pack to carry all the sheds and mushrooms home.
How do you know if they are edible...well, feed one to your buddy. If he/she gets sick or dies then throw the batch out and try again. lol
Actually, I learned how to identify them from my father and grandfather so I "just know" but there are no other mushrooms out there that look like the morels (pics). At least none that I have come across. Oh...I have never actually smelled them so I really have no idea if that works or not. Maybe I'll try it this season.
and secret spots are coveted. Our nights have been below freezing so it will be another month yet for us. Morel season always coincides with spring turkey and first season turkey is only 2 weeks away. I like to get one good meal in me then i'm good till next year.