Morgan South Rich

Does anyone know where to find a good land ownership map of this unit or someone who may be able to answer some general questions about the unit?
Such as land status, access to public lands, access to private lands, maybe a wildlife manger name, and just how things work in general. I live in AZ and have never hunted in UTAH but have been through there a fair amount.
I drew a Pronghorn tag and am trying to figure out what is private and public. I noticed that there are 2 CWMU units as well that look like they cover the area I thought had some BLM land in it???
Do landowners get tags to sell to NR's? I would love to get a tag for my daughter. I am thoroughly confused so I thought I would ask.

I would also be interested in private land owners that might let someone hunt their property if anyone knows someone.
Springville Shooter
While I don't know the area, I can answer your question regarding the CWMU's. They do have tags issued for sale as well as public drawing. You should look up the operator in the regs and give them a call. Also, there is a great opportunitiy to hunt doe antelope in the area and you might want to get your daughter in on that drawing. I believe that each doe tag is good for two does in this area.-------SS