Mossback 400" Bull

Has anyone seen the pics of this bull that was just killed by Mossback? I heard it was a 7X7 and around 410".
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No but where was this bull killed? I know of a bull they was after that was supposed to go around 400.
"hunt fit" wrote:Has anyone seen the pics of this bull that was just killed by Mossback? I heard it was a 7X7 and around 410".
I believe youre talking about the AZ governor's tag bull. I saw a pic of it with the Mossback logo downin the usual corner. It is a 7x7 and at least 400" The 5ths are amazing. They look like second royals.
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are all their big kills gov tags?
Not all of them are gov tags. Although the Mossback crew comes up with some dandys, I don't agree with their M.O. of hunting and try not to pay any attention to them.
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"TheHardWay" wrote:Not all of them are gov tags. Although the Mossback crew comes up with some dandys, I don't agree with their M.O. of hunting and try not to pay any attention to them.
My sentiments also.
+10 :thumb
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i am not a huge fan of mossback but i do have respect for them. you have to hand it to them, the kill some big crittters every year. i would rather see a hard working every day diy hunter kill the huge bucks and bulls and wish that spidey woulda been a DIY hunter but they sure do get things done.
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anyone with wealthy clients and gov tags can "get it done" =;
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Ya its easy to get the big ones when you have it under 24\7 surveillance
"highcountryarchery" wrote:Ya its easy to get the big ones when you have it under 24\7 surveillance
This is EXACTLY what I was getting at. Not to mention I have heard of other public land hunters getting run out of the area if they have a bull located on public ground
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You guys are all so jealous...

Look, the guy who got the last one dropped over 100k to get spidey. If you spent what some people spend on a home for something as rediculous as antlers you BETTER get a workd record or you look like an idiot.

Are their methods questionable, yes, but not illegal. I read an article in a hunting mag a few years ago about how annoying hunting in AZ is becoming because 1 person draws the tag, 10 guys go for the week and scout, make noise in the woods, drive around on 4 wheelers. Not terribly different.

My conclusion... I will never have a 100k to drop on killing an animal. I like my own adventures which are not nearly as glamerous. The plublicity Mossback brings to hunting overall is good. I saw several of the articles on the spidey bull and read them to form my own opinion. The guy was in almost zero physical shape, did not have to hike farther than his cell phone since he had people scouting for him, bought the fanciest rifle, fancy custom load barnes ammo, fanciest guide, etc because he has the money. The one article had pics of his trophy room and spidey is one of many B and C animals this guy has. To each their own...
one hunting fool
I feel and always have that if you drop 100 grand on a tag you should get yoru moneys worth. BUT you should also not be considered for record status.. that should be for anyone that actually hunts not just shoots what others have hunted up for you. IMO
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"one hunting fool" wrote:I feel and always have that if you drop 100 grand on a tag you should get yoru moneys worth. BUT you should also not be considered for record status.. that should be for anyone that actually hunts not just shoots what others have hunted up for you. IMO

There should at least be a designation for outfitted/guided vs. non guided in the record books.
If everybody knew how he did things his publicity towards hunting would NOT be good for our sport.Hes a fake and only in it for the money. :>/ :>/ :>/
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"halibutaddict" wrote:Why dont you take a look at his record in NV and the reason why he lost his outfitter status there several years ago,100% illegal. :>/
who lost there status as a outfitter in nevada? if your talkin about mossback they where down in unit 231 chacing a 400+ 2 weeks ago. i too dont think its right that the avrage DYI hunter has to compete with guides on public land.looks like huntin will soon be a rich man sport :>/
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He guides for another outfitter in NV,High desert I believe,He doesnt have his own outfit down there....check it out. :-k
I did some ckecking and he is a sub guide for western wildlife adventures in Nevada.
one hunting fool
Record books where created so that DIY hunters could compair and see what the rest of the country was harvesting. I think they don't let steriod records in the hall of fame, we should not put guided hunters in the record books.. IMO again
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"BIG R" wrote:I did some ckecking and he is a sub guide for western wildlife adventures in Nevada.
There is a reason he is a SUB guide,because he cant be an outfitter in NV.
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I do not know this guy from a hole in the wall, but come'on... you do not provide any links for sites hosting information regarding unethical behavior or losing his guiding license? Just the mere mention that he has done thigns in the past when all we know for a fact is that he shot a world record after paying over 100k in license and guide fees. Without any other credible information he did nothing wrong and you are trying to smear him. Again, you're acting like a bunch of jealous girls.
Here is a darn near first hand experience

It just like business experiences, bad news will travel a lot further than the good news. Basically what it comes down to is morals and ethics, not jealousy my friend
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I have heard a numerous of differant things with doyle and his boys. Heard of all the road blocking and trying to close down trails. I know of one incident where an older feller was told he cant hunt a specific area. But i do know if they ever tried to pull that trick on me my hunt would be over and i would be headin to the can.
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The record of the case involving Doyle is public record in NV,if you are that interested in cleaaring his name request the court records and post them here along with a detailed excuse for the crap he pulled there...
I have seen this crap with my own eyes also and when I find the pics of the signs that read(Camera 's in use do not proceed)I will post them :>/ .I will also post the pics of the signs after I continued on my merry way :)) This guy has been in trouble in one state it is only a matter of time before he gets it in another state or runs into the wrong person. :thumb
I have seen this crap with my own eyes also and when I find the pics of the signs that read(Camera 's in use do not proceed)I will post them
Meaning you have pics? you took them? Lets see them.
Yes sir I have pics.I just need to find them after the move from NV back to Mt,and when I find them I will post them like I said :thumb
I'm sorry but the last part of that first post about Doyle was a COMPLETE laugh er to me, he knows of 2 bulls bigger than the SpiderBull "in there", YEA RIGHT. 2 Bulls bigger than the world Record huh, and I'm suppose to believe everything else before that? SERIOUSLY??????

This is not me defending or supporting, I think Big Outfitters are bad for the average hunter. I've said it once and I'll obviously stating it again, they are hurting the average "JOE" and hunting for more than just a few. There needs to be regulation on when, where, how many etc. But anything for the mighty dollar seems to be the norm these days. Kinda sad actually. I don't think hunting is becoming a rich mans sport, I think for many it ALREADY is a rich mans sport and will only get worse is what I see. I watched a popular show recently, won't say which one but to be honest it disgusted me because I know the owners are very wealthy and they would drive around each year hunting (killing) deer/elk for TONS of money from certain landowners over and over and over. Was more like therapy and a drug to them than actual hunting. Just not my cup of tea, no work/effort on there part just pay someone to find me a big animal and let me shoot it and I'll put it on my wall. Hard to get real excited about that. IMO.

But I'm probably just jealous. lol

I'm not against guides or guiding either. I have not used one, but wouldn't rule it out in the future.

BIGR - look forward to the pics when you have time to find them.
Well said Muley! :thumb
"BIG R" wrote:Yes sir I have pics.I just need to find them after the move from NV back to Mt,and when I find them I will post them like I said :thumb

Were these pics taken in Utah??
Hope to see them soon
NO these pics were taken in NV,where I understand that Doyle got into some trouble not long after the incident I had with him but I dont know that for sure.IMO this guy is horrible for our sport and i'll tell you what not all big outfitters are like this.For example Greg Krough,bumped into him while hunting in NV and i'll tell you what,he is one burn of a guide and a person to be around.He is not in it for the money,He doesnt have 10 to 15 sub guides sitting on animals till his client gets there.He is an upstanding guide and person to even be around.I don't have a problem with all guides and outfitters really only one because I have personally seen the crap he pulls with my very own eyes.This is my last post on this subject,for I dont want to get everybody all fired up like I have in the past about this same subject.I'm just stating what I have seen first hand and what my opinions are.
"BIG R" wrote:NO these pics were taken in NV

This is my last post on this subject,for I dont want to get everybody all fired up like I have in the past about this same subject.I'm just stating what I have seen first hand and what my opinions are.

Fair enough and i understand, but what about the pics? you have to show them
"9er" wrote:
Fair enough and i understand, but what about the pics? you have to show them
my thought exactly.

if not, this will just be another one of those "rumers" IMO

seems EVERYONE has witnessed it themselves,but NO ONE ever takes a picture- even with thier cell phone- which everybody has.
As soon as I find them I will post :thumb
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i can see a 400'' wild bull out there. i know where a bull thats 390+ near gypsum hes wild. old to royal bull to just because hes had some stuff happen in the past isnt enoff to say all this stuff bad about him. if hes doin it wrong so me your hard proof untill then dont be talkn bout some one cause of there past. im sure you would like some one sayin you aint a hunter or an ethical hunter casue of a mistake that happend in the past. every one always gets butt hurt when moss kills another big animal and the only reason is cause your plan jealous that you cant get on that big your self. thats all this is congrats to the hunter that shot the 400'' bull and shame on the rest of you that disprove cause moss was his guide. that is no way to treat a fellow hunter at all if you treat a fellow hunter like that then the anti hunters win. plan and simple
"Coloradobuck" wrote:i can see a 400'' wild bull out there. i know where a bull thats 390+ near gypsum hes wild. old to royal bull to just because hes had some stuff happen in the past isnt enoff to say all this stuff bad about him. if hes doin it wrong so me your hard proof untill then dont be talkn bout some one cause of there past. im sure you would like some one sayin you aint a hunter or an ethical hunter casue of a mistake that happend in the past. every one always gets butt hurt when moss kills another big animal and the only reason is cause your plan jealous that you cant get on that big your self. thats all this is congrats to the hunter that shot the 400'' bull and shame on the rest of you that disprove cause moss was his guide. that is no way to treat a fellow hunter at all if you treat a fellow hunter like that then the anti hunters win. plan and simple

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"Coloradobuck" wrote:i can see a 400'' wild bull out there. i know where a bull thats 390+ near gypsum hes wild. old to royal bull to just because hes had some stuff happen in the past isnt enoff to say all this stuff bad about him. if hes doin it wrong so me your hard proof untill then dont be talkn bout some one cause of there past. im sure you would like some one sayin you aint a hunter or an ethical hunter casue of a mistake that happend in the past. every one always gets butt hurt when moss kills another big animal and the only reason is cause your plan jealous that you cant get on that big your self. thats all this is congrats to the hunter that shot the 400'' bull and shame on the rest of you that disprove cause moss was his guide. that is no way to treat a fellow hunter at all if you treat a fellow hunter like that then the anti hunters win. plan and simple

"Yhe that happened yesterday it dont mean nuttin"moron....
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