Most accurate muzzleloader?
10/10/12 11:52am
I've been out of the muzzleloaders since i was 14 and killed my first buck with one and ALOT has changed since then. Ive been doing some searching lately but theres so many to choose from that I have no idea what to even get. What I want is the most accurate long range rifle out there at a reasonable price preferably with a thumbhole stock and fairly light wieght maybe even in MAX-1 camo if available.
Whats everyones experience and recomendations for a good up to date muzzleloader?
Whats everyones experience and recomendations for a good up to date muzzleloader?
Lots of guys I know really like the Optima (CVA?). It seems to be a nice gun & you can get it in stainless, camo (don't know about the MAX-1), and thumbhole stock. But then again you can get just about every other gun on the market with that combo, too.
I shoot an "El Cheap-O" Remington Genesis (bought it for $100 a couple years back) & it works just fine for me. It's as accurate and "long range" as I need it to be... seeing that the guy pulling the trigger is the greatest variable in the whole equation (as can be seen in my 2012 hunt report!).
The most important thing is to get one that looks and feels good to you... then spend time on the range with different powder and bullet combinations. Finding the right powder/bullet combination will help you wring out that last little bit of accuracy and range, more so than any one particular gun over another. It just takes time and $$$.
The last time was on the range I got 2.5" groups at 100 yards with open sights.
TC Triumph Bone Collector edition, or Pro Hunter FX W/Thumbhole stock
CVA Acurra MR, or V2 W/thumbhole stock
Traditions Vortek Ultra Light LDR
Does anyone have experience with any of these?
also looking serious into the Optima, Many great reviews on it and good price.
The CVA Acurra MR is pretty new and I've read great reviews on it's accuracy, but I've heard the first batch had issues with the finish on the barrel. Something about the finish flecking off on random parts of the barrel. I've heard that CVA is/has worked on the issue.
No experience with the Traditions, but it's advertised as a long range muzzy due to it's 30 inch barrel.
You've got some great muzzys in mind... hopefully you'll be able to make up your mind soon! Can't go wrong with either! If you spend enough time with whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll have the tackdriver you are looking for.
Good Luck but for the money and simplicity my choice is cva optima
Try shooting loose powder equivalents if you only shoot pellets. You may be surprised at the positive results!