Most accurate muzzleloader?

I've been out of the muzzleloaders since i was 14 and killed my first buck with one and ALOT has changed since then. Ive been doing some searching lately but theres so many to choose from that I have no idea what to even get. What I want is the most accurate long range rifle out there at a reasonable price preferably with a thumbhole stock and fairly light wieght maybe even in MAX-1 camo if available.
Whats everyones experience and recomendations for a good up to date muzzleloader?
Boy, you're going to get recommendations for every outfit out there!
Lots of guys I know really like the Optima (CVA?). It seems to be a nice gun & you can get it in stainless, camo (don't know about the MAX-1), and thumbhole stock. But then again you can get just about every other gun on the market with that combo, too.
I shoot an "El Cheap-O" Remington Genesis (bought it for $100 a couple years back) & it works just fine for me. It's as accurate and "long range" as I need it to be... seeing that the guy pulling the trigger is the greatest variable in the whole equation (as can be seen in my 2012 hunt report!).

The most important thing is to get one that looks and feels good to you... then spend time on the range with different powder and bullet combinations. Finding the right powder/bullet combination will help you wring out that last little bit of accuracy and range, more so than any one particular gun over another. It just takes time and $$$.
Depends what you mean by accurate to. To me accurate is being able to 3 or 4 shots under an inch at a 100yds were some others think its putting 3 or 4 shots on the side of a refrigerator box. Just sayin. I shoot a TC Triumph that i have been quite impressed with. When i first got it I put a 3-9x scope on it and for a couple of years before i started hunting with it i tested different loads. I got that thing dialed in to shoot farely tight groups at 100yds. I hunt in utah so anything over 1x is illegal so after i changed my scope things are different. My groups opened up a bit. (which was expected) I think there a lot of good rifles to choose from. Its gonna come down to what you want to do with it. Every rifle likes their own load.
I've been looking into the cva optima but there a few different ones and not sure what one is the best? MAX-1 isnt to important just an added bonus. Yeah my definition of accurate is not shooting the side on an old refrigerator. im looking for the smallest group possible from whatever distance shot from. Id like to shoot out passed 200yards. I know it will take alot of practice with the gun and i plan on that. I guess i should be asking what you load/rifle combo is that works best for you and your set up or best bullet for long range accuracy? Also besides accurate I want it ti be reliable and easy to clean, but who wouldn't want that in a muzzle loader ha?
I shoot a Hornady SST 250gr over 2 pellets of Pyrodex. Nothing fancy.
The last time was on the range I got 2.5" groups at 100 yards with open sights.
I shoot the same as derek only i use 90grns of loose pyrodex. They are all starting to get easier with the cleaning with the different breech plug designs coming out. The triumph has the breech plug that you just twist by hand about 45 degrees or so and it removes. One of the CVA rifles has a similar design. I still take my wrench with me in the field just in case. Because of that i think they are all going to be similar to clean in my opinion. If you are taking a follow up shot you are not going to be taking your breech plug out your gonna load go for the glory. Some people will talk about different powders being more dirty than others. Pyrodex is pretty dirty but i use a 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and windex and it cleans the barrel real quick. 777 is pretty popular.
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I'm a little late to the question but IMO Thompson all the way. I shoot an Omega with a thumbhole stock, stainless fluted with a Nikon 1x Red Dot. I've been very impressed with this gun shooting a number of combinations. I started with Pyrodex 50/50 pellets with a Hornady XTP 240 gr. which amazes me how well they shot out of my gun. I then tried the Barnes TMZ's with Pyrodex 50/50 and shot well. I then tried Triple 7's Magnum pellets with the Barnes TMZ's and have had phenomenal success especially killing deer at or under 100 yards. While hunting my goal is only to shoot 150 yards and under, however, I have unfortunately proven this combination deadly out of my gun at much further. I had severely misjudged distance while hunting 3 years ago when I had left my rangefinder at camp. What both my buddy and I figured at 150ish, I found out this year was 269. The deer was dead in it's tracks before the smoke cleared. I don't encourage shooting game at such a distance and by no means do I tell the story to boast, simple to inform that muzzleloader's with the right combo's and time behind the gun can propel a slug to 200. IMO the Thompson's do it best. :)
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My CVA Optima has served me well... I can get excellent groups at 100 yards with 300 Grn SST over 2 (50 grn.) T7 pellets. I might try out loose powder in the future, but it's working awesome as it is now. There are a few options with the Optima that have been mentioned before- camo thumbhole stock. It's a great gun for the money.
Thanks for all the help so far guys this is what i've narrowed it down to...

TC Triumph Bone Collector edition, or Pro Hunter FX W/Thumbhole stock

CVA Acurra MR, or V2 W/thumbhole stock

Traditions Vortek Ultra Light LDR

Does anyone have experience with any of these?
also looking serious into the Optima, Many great reviews on it and good price.
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Do you have any friends or know of anyone who has one of those muzzleloaders so you can try it out? I think you've narrowed it down to some great muzzleloaders for sure. I have a friend who shoots a TC Triumph Bone Collector and he gets great results shooting Barnes bullets with BH 209 powder. TC has a great reputation and a big following.

The CVA Acurra MR is pretty new and I've read great reviews on it's accuracy, but I've heard the first batch had issues with the finish on the barrel. Something about the finish flecking off on random parts of the barrel. I've heard that CVA is/has worked on the issue.

No experience with the Traditions, but it's advertised as a long range muzzy due to it's 30 inch barrel.

You've got some great muzzys in mind... hopefully you'll be able to make up your mind soon! Can't go wrong with either! If you spend enough time with whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll have the tackdriver you are looking for.
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P.S. I just posted a review on the accuracy of my CVA Optima. It seems to like everything I put down the barrel.
Traditions is the only muzzleloader that my grandfather will buy. He regularly downs deer beyond 200 yards... understand that he years ago he was on the Utah Highway Patrol pistol team and also has also competed in many marksmanship competitions while on the Patrol. He's a freakishly amazing shot.
Taditions seems to be a great gun from what i've heard and read. What model does your grandfather have?
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tc omega with 250 grain barnes on top of 150 grains of pellets tack driver
"Shedfreak88" wrote:Taditions seems to be a great gun from what i've heard and read. What model does your grandfather have?
Traditions Evolution
The evolution looks like a real sweet gun. I'm leaning toward the Vortek Ultrlight LDR. Anone know much about it?
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Whitch everone my sholder is leaning into of corse
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I have an older Traditions (Lightning Bolt??) and absolutely love it. It's light weight so packing in the trees is great, has a muzzlebrake so recoil is light, and I've killed a few elk at different yardages (70-150). It has a stainless fluted barrel and camo stock, looks good. The only bad thing about it, is it is very picky about bullet weight. The 1 in 28" twist seems to like heavier stuff, at least from my experience. I'm playing around with some lighter stuff (250 gr. Barnes) and charges. Mixed results. But my old load of 90 grns. Pyrodex pellets and 295 gr. Powerbelts were lethal on spike elk. Never had to look hard to find the downed animal.
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Cva Acura is most acurate I have ever shot followed by TC triumph.
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I bought the traditions vortek ldr last year when it first came out.I am very pleased with it I got the plain black syn. model it loads easy shoots like a dream with 295 gr. power belts /100 gr. of triple 7 pellets.I am shooting 1/2 in. groups at 100 yds. i havent got to shoot anything with it yet but I know it will do the job.The 30 in. barrel really balances the gun and easy on the shoulder best muzzle loader I have ever shot and the most accurate also.
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CVA accura hands down. The accura and apex are fitted with bargera barrels. they only make rifle barrels except for these two muzzleloaders. I have shot 2 different accuras and they are fantastic when paired with barnes tez bullets. lol I cant afford one so I shoot a cva optima which shoots extremely accurately as well.
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I am not a huge muzzy guy, but Gunwerks makes a muzzleloader, and although very expensive they do take a antelope at 700+ yards with it. That is pretty darn accurate in my book!
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Getting close is more fun, and challenging.
Springville Shooter
I have a .50 cal T/C Omega and I can shoot 1/2" 1 shot groups out to 200 yards! Try that with your .45 calibers. ------SS
I just picked up a like new white white tail, I'm so stoked about it! Got my lyman 57 peep for it( all that Oregon allows) ,but hoping to shoot 200 yards with it by the end of summer!
Springville Shooter
What muzzy hunts are you looking at Killer? Im considering the Beatys Butte antelope and a couple late whitetail hunts along the Snake.-------SS
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I have owned and shot m/l for over 35 yrs everything from cap and ball to modern day in-lines. I have 4 now, 2 T/C and 2 optima pro. The T/C hardly ever get shot any more. I love the optima pro, accurate and easy and quick to clean. I shoot 295 grain bullet and 100 grain of pyrodex, does'nt seem to matter if its pellets or loose powder.

Good Luck but for the money and simplicity my choice is cva optima
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I've got a T/C Triumph and have been very happy with it. My best accuracy results have been using 300 gr. Hornady SST with 100 units of BH209 and Winchester primers. Most impressed with the Blackhorn has it shoots hot and clean. Makes it very easy to fully seat bullets after that first shot which, as most know, is critical to accuracy and can be hard to achieve with some bullet/powder combinations.
Try shooting loose powder equivalents if you only shoot pellets. You may be surprised at the positive results!