dreaming big
7/22/09 1:51pm
I posted in Archery forum too just wondering if anyone has some good tips on the Dutton unit? I drew an archery tag for this year and seen some good bulls while scouting im just wondering how far they would move between now and then? And maybe a secret or 2?
dont let him fool you, they have some big ones spotted [they meaning pro:)]
stinkystomper is on a trail of the biggest bull in the unit, don't let him fool you, he does have one great thing going for him, he's got PROOUTDOORS in his back pocket. and a missle launcher for a gun.
you'll have to shovel through all the B.S. to get to the good stuff.
stinky- what brings you around? finally getting fed up with the crap on the other side?
this is the best site on the WWW, but the filter is much tighter. thats what makes it great!
but if BOBCAT tries to come over, it's gonna hit the fan lol
dont get me wrong, you and your group know a hell of alot more than me on this bull, but i hit could really change his antler growth-- right??
it blows me away that a HUNTING FORUM can be run by a bunch of guys who absolutly contribute NOTHING to the HUNTING site.
but oh well, this is the place to be. awsome mods, that dont even need to try that hard cause all of the members are great!
I agree killerbee that an injury can have a major impact on antler growth in following years. It takes a lot of energy to grow antlers, and if a bull is trying to heal or is recovering from an injury he will have less energy to grow antlers anywhere near the size of 430. He could also be on the downhill slide due to age, or be worn down from the rut. A bull has to be in great shape to get peak antler growth. Luckily I have seen some dang healthy bulls on Dutton this summer. 10sign:
Thanks PRO. :) I'm sure he can't be to bad if your tagging along with him. :)
I assume your guiding him, guiding anyone else?
Believe there is a lot of truth in that statement.
I've seen a buck that was injured the year before, killed the next year and was 200" plus monster. Because of the injury the year before, he grew 8 or 9 points on his left side when he really was probably just a huge wide typical 5 point. At least he right side was, with no cheaters. So why would a bull in his prime be any different? Guess in depends on the injury placement/severity. But
prime age and habitat might be more important than injury.
Hey pro, you don't like me and that's fine. I've never like you either so at least we see eye to eye. I hired you for my hunt cuz your my charity case for this year so don't let that go to your head, and yes I will bring you extra crayons and coloring books this fall. =;
Dreaming check your PM
My brother drew a Dutton early rifle tag (14 points)and I will be there to help him pack it out. I'll have him hunt east to west :thumb
Why would you even make such a comment abount considering shooting someone because you suspect they wounded a deer? ](*,)
With my work schedule, I can't put in the time to do the scouting that I wanted to do.
Or check out Goochs Guides,
Bowstalker I sent a PM to you.
a little looking around and i think you'll find he is "the dutton" man!
stinky: they run a real tight ship around here, thats what makes this site the best on the net, you wont get away with the same stuff you can get away with on the other site.
but honestly, if you check the site out, you'll find you like it better because of it!
WTF??? you must be a mean person lol welcome to the MADNESS
Who else has a Dutton tag on here?
That's all I'm allowed to say in muleymadness, the mods have my hands tied and mouth ductaped shut!