Mt hood
12/18/06 7:42pm
This picture was taken about 15 minutes from my house. This is the northeast side of mt hood where I believe the search for three missing climbers is taking place. Lets keep those guys and their families and the rescue climbers in our prayers.
Hope they find the other 2 guys...not looking good at this point.
The ones I'll really feel sorry for are not the climbers, they went unprepared for what they did. How about those that are out looking for them that may be injured or killed looking for guy's that as Brett said, "live on the edge"? Bad enough they do this to their own families, but in these cases they may also do it to their neighbors who are out looking for them.
Well that's off my chest!
By the way, Rileyhunter, you must be around Sandy or Boring somewhere, right?