Mule Deer and Bucktail Grunter

Has anyone ever used a grunter? How did it work for you?
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they work ok but rattling has worked better for me. Modern calls make a good grunter
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During early bowseason mulie bucks usually aren't hardhorned and I've had no luck with calls. During the rut rattling and the Primos Can works pretty spectacularly at times.
Thanks Guys. I have been Muley hunting since I was knee high to a grasshoper but have never used nor been with anyone who used any type of scents or calls (other than sharp whistles using my fingers to get em to stop running or turn). Now that I started bow hunting, 3 years ago, I'm trying to better my odds anyway I can. I've been lucky enough to find some mighty fine hogs each year but the closest that I've been able to stalk is about 80yrds (my maximum comfortable shooting distance is only 40yrds). I think that I have read just about every book and magazine there is on archery hunting muleys.. which all basicaly say the same thing "paraphrasing" 'best way to better the odds is learn how to glass better, stalk better and shoot better and have a lot of patience'.. (lord bless me, it's the patience part that killin me [-o< ) Anybody got any pointers on something other than the above mention that I might want to invest in that will help for the early season archery hunt?
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The only advice I have is that if you enjoy eating the meat lower your standards the last day! :)) Big Mulies are fairly easy to find during the early season archery hunts because they are still where you saw them all summer. They tend to bach up which makes getting past all those eyes and ears hard. We want to kill one buck in particular. He's easy to find but has been impossible to get close enough to shoot. Then he disappears during the rifle seasons. I guess we just keep watching and studying and keep trying. I may come home with another 3 1/2 year old velvet buck this year again just because I like to kill and eat them too. God bless.
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While hunting in California, I did have a fair amount of success with grunting at black tail/muleys. While pig hunting with a buddy, I saw a small forkey and grunted him within 10 yards just using my voice. He would answer back and walked in looking for me. My buddy was very impressed. I have been grunting at whitetails for over a decade. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. I have seen bucks turn tail and slink away from a grunt, I have seen them come in looking for a fight, or looking for another deer. I have also called in many does with the grunt. My favorite grunt tube is the Knight and Hale EZ-Grunter.