Mule Deer and Vehicles - Book Cliffs road
3/1/11 5:53pm
Any thoughts fellas,
Looks like a paved road through Book Cliffs is in the works....
Looks like a paved road through Book Cliffs is in the works....

3/1/11 10:22pm
I have seen this artical. I can understand them wanting to pave a road through there but I hope that they don't. It's kind of nice to have some places around that are very remote and hard to get into. There aren't many places left in this state that it can take a better part of the day to get back into.

3/3/11 11:56am
This road already gets A LOT of traffic. There are a lot of big rigs, oil workers, and many other people that use this road. Paving it will only increase the traffic and I'd say double the speed that cars drive. I guarantee people will be going 75 on that road - they already drive 50 with mud holes, washboards and gravel. I think this could be devastating to the deer herd and would hate to see it happen. From an oil worker's standpoint I'm sure they would love it. From a hunter's perspective, I think it should be left alone. Who knows, maybe with the fencing and deer crossing structures it could actually decrease the number of deer killed by vehicles??? I'm no expert.

3/4/11 9:22pm
As far as deer migrate means this news is almost as bad as the 23 micro units!!! :>/ :>/

3/7/11 8:24pm
I sure hope they don't. Last October was the first time I set foot on the Books & the main reason I want to go back is because you truly feel like you are waaaaaaaay out there (not to mention the deer). That's part of the charm of the unit... the washboards, pot holes, rutted roads, and a several hour drive over each just to get to your destination. I don't even dare speculate what that could/would do to the deer herd out there... I just sure hope they don't.