Mule Deer Foundation DVD.

I went to the Elko, Nevada mule deer foundation banquet earlier this month and picked up a new DVD made by local mule deer fanatic Tony Langdon. It was nice to see a mule deer DVD made in the Elko area since there have not been but one or two made in the past. Tony has some nice deer featured on thios DVD. I normally would not post anything about video's but all of the proceeds from the sale of this video goes straight back to mule deer habitat restoation and the Elko area could sure use it due to fires from the last few years. If you are interested in getting one of these DVD's then contact Barb Maple at 775- 934-6144. The cost is $10.00 and like I said, all proceeds go back into helping mule deer. Thakyou, fatrooster.
Do they sell them online or have a link anywhere. Or just the phone contact?

thanks, sounds like a good deal!
Sorry, only a phone contact. fatrooster.